Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sunday Again and Still Raining!

I'm bummed. I haven't been able to sit out on my deck for several days, because it's always raining when I head out there! I think we're between showers at the moment, but the deck & chairs are too wet. I've drained the plants more times than I can count.

Yesterday, a little brown frog hopped up onto the deck and sat there while it rained. After the rain quit, the little brown frog hopped off. I guess he was enjoying it.

The plan for today included yard work. I don't think we'll be able to get much done out there, so housework it is! We will be able to do a little bit outside, just probably not mowing. The yard is in bad need of a mowing, it looks like a jungle from all the rain and it's only been a week since Bill mowed it!

I really won't be surprised to see animals in pairs the next time I go outside.


It finally quit raining! The sun came out and Bill mowed the lawn. He had to keep stopping and waiting for the horde of frogs to move on. I had to move a few of them for him. We are hoping that they will start eating the millions of mosquitos we have to deal with lately.

Bill also trimmed the last tree in the back yard. Now the front ones are moved up on the list. The front trees will be harder and they are in bad shape with lots of dead limbs in them. He also cleaned out a blockage in one of the front rain gutters.

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