Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday and more turtle tales!

Otter and I are fine, we have had no pain whatsoever. If there had been the slightest discomfort, we would have gone to the doctor and Bill would have been on the phone tearing the cop a new one. It was a hard enough bump that I wanted to wait until today to decide, although the bumper of the car is only scratched. And the right blinker isn't working right. The bumper will probably stay scratched, the blinker will get fixed.

Frasier was barking at something, he was laying on the ground in the corner of the yard and really seemed to be interested in something. So I went out there, and he had another turtle in his sights. This one was what I've always called a box turtle, round and has yellow markings. It was a female. She has now been relocated to the cow pasture. I think that Frasier had been trying to pick her up in his mouth, the back of her shell had dog drool. She was a lively one. Poor puppy, I keep taking his toys away from him! Of course, if one of those toys should happen to flip that head back and bite him he might not feel the same way!

No rain today! Wow! The jalepeno plants are doing well, they are still very short but they have quite a bit of fruit on them. The bell peppers are producing, they won't be big or have many bells but at least we'll get a few. The cherry tomato plant has 4 more on it and possibly another bud starting. So I'm happy. Not a lot of produce, but at least we got something out of the plants.

Movie tomorrow! And yes, Froggy, we will have popcorn.

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