Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Independence Day!

Let's all remember that this day is about way more than just a fireworks show or a picnic. I think people tend to forget that it really is the birthday of this wonderful country, America, that God has blessed us with. I am very thankful that He put me here and not somewhere else.

Our celebration was last night, and it was a lot of fun. Scott & Angela with their two kids, and Robin with her two kids are here from Texas before going on to New Mexico. Everyone came over to our house yesterday, Bill grilled burgers & dogs and then when it got dark we set off the arsenal we bought at the fireworks stand.

Broken Arrow has a permit for $20.00 that allows you to legally shoot them off. It has to be posted in the yard where it is visible if any police drive by, and there is also paperwork that has to be shown if requested - that is probably so that people won't be inclined to steal the sign, I guess. We really enjoyed having everyone over, and the dogs loved the company.

Both of Scott's kids are just precious, but Frasier was especially taken with his little girl. At one point, she put her hands on both sides of Frasier's head and kissed him on the nose. After that, the dog was just in love with her! Scott's little boy is going to be a real lady killer in a few years, no doubt about it.

We blocked both dogs in the house last night while we were shooting off the fireworks. They aren't scared of them, Frasier went inside once we started but he wasn't concerned. But we had to open the gate a lot and I was afraid that smart dog would sieze the opportunity to get out! And Magginator isn't afraid of anything (except bubbles for some reason and she doesn't like cows), knowing her she probably would have gone over to see what everyone was doing and run off with something flaming in her mouth!

The plan for today was to go over to Don & Darlene's house this afternoon, but Bill has been in bed with a fever most of the day. He decided to lie down for a while and rest about 11:00 this morning. I went in there about 30 minutes later and he had a fever of 101. I took it again later, it was 102. He doesn't have any flu symptoms or anything, he just has a fever and doesn't feel too good. So he's stayed in bed all day. I called Don and told him, he understood.

Otter still has some sparklers left, she'll probably light them up after dark. We did all the big stuff last night, and I'm really glad we did now that Bill is under the weather.

I think we might finally be finished with constant rain. But I'm not sure if I should say that out loud or not! It was clear last night but it is partly cloudy today. Except for getting the paper this morning, I haven't been out of the house so I'm not really sure how warm it is. But I think it's probably pretty warm.

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