Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Monday! The First One of Fall

And it was 90 degrees today. Seems like as soon as the calender said Fall, it got warm again! It's not really not, it's actually nice outside. It's just not Fall-ish anymore. Sigh.

This is the Magginator's favorite place - the middle of Otter's bed, surrounded by stuffed animals! Ok, her second favorite place - her food bowl is # 1 on her list. The first picture was taken from the doorway, it reminds me of the scene in the movie ET where he's hiding in the girl's closet among her toys. She looks kind of sad in the 2nd picture, but she was actually wagging her tail so hard that the teddy bear was bouncing. The purple fabric in front of her is actually Otter's PJ top - Maggie was hugging it.

Dog's spoiled, what can I say?

Otter hasn't gotten her blog set up yet, she was only home about 30 minutes yesterday before we parked ourselves in front of the tv for an 8-hour marathon. Yes, 8 hours. For one show! Stephen King's The Stand mini-series from about 10 years ago was being re-run on the Sci-Fi channel. All 4, 2-hour episodes back to back. Otter was dragging this morning!


Jan said...

Oh look at her!!! What a sweetie! I could hardly find her in the first pic! Thanks for posting! : )


Otter Mom said...

Maggie is a very spoiled puppy! She will frequently nap while holding one of Otter's stuffed toys between her front paws like she's hugging it.