Sunday, September 02, 2007

Nearly Finished!

We thought we were going to get finished at the rent house today but there are a couple of things we did not get to that we'll do tomorrow. We probably could have gotten it all done, but it was getting pretty warm and we didn't want to be out in full sun painting the wood around the windows. So we decided to go over there first thing in the morning to finish. I was going to wax/polish the kitchen & bathroom floors but I'm nearly out of polish for the kitchen and didn't have the right wax for the bathroom so that got put off until tomorrow. I'm probably going to take the swiffer and run it around on the wood floors, we did sweep them but swiffer gets up everything that a broom misses. We mowed, Bill put the final coat of paint on the front porch, he put the porch railings up, we got the Kilz coat on the windows, Otter re-cleaned the kitchen & bathroom, I scrubbed the bathtub and vacuumed the new carpet in the master bedroom. Well, after Bill unclogged the vacuum that is! Frasier sheds. A LOT. And there was a lot of dog hair in the vacuum. But we were eventually able to use it, the new carpet does look good. I forgot to take the camera, it's on my list for tomorrow.

However, the "For Rent" sign is up and the ad came out today. At least, it was supposed to - I haven't had time to read the paper yet! We did show it to two people who live in the neighborhood, but they said it was out of their budget. They wanted Section 8 (housing assistance), which we don't do. We got a lot of "sad puppy" looks at that, but oh well! Most people who need housing assistance are ok, this lady has lived in her house for many years (since before we moved away) and she's probably ok. But we are not willing to take a chance, having had to help a couple of times when Don's Sec. 8 renters left a big mess! So we decided not to go with Sec. 8.

On the way home, Bill stopped at a place that was giving away firewood to anyone who would come get it. It's big logs and he'll have to split it, but it was free after all so no complaining! We might get some more tomorrow. I'd love to not have to buy firewood this year. We had about 1/2 of a rick left from last year and we filled the rick frame up with the wood from trimming our trees. But last winter we went through 2 ricks and we don't want to be caught short if we have another hard winter. He split a couple of the logs when we got home, but we were all too tired so it can wait. The important thing is that it's here, splitting can be later on. It might possibly be cedar. Which I am allergic to. Well, I'll deal with it if it is.

I still have hummingbirds, but only 3 now. There were about 7 in all, the ones I'm seeing now are smaller. I think the regulars have already headed south. This is early for them to start migrating, but I've also seen ducks & geese in migratory flocks heading merrily south. I haven't seen anything about animal signs yet this year, usually they are a pretty good indicator of what type of winter we can expect.

I could sit here and type all day, but laundry won't do itself so I guess I'd better post this and get up. Which I really, really don't want to do - my feet don't like me much!

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