Friday, August 31, 2007

I am so glad it's Friday!

I'm exhausted and so is everybody else. The rent house has a lot to do with that. But we are just about done. We are going to hit it hot & heavy on Sunday and we might have to go back Monday for a coat of paint on the wood outside the windows, but it will be quick. The ad comes out in the paper this weekend.

Yesterday, we made the time to mow at home. We managed to get the back yard done. It had not been mowed in about 3 weeks or maybe closer to 4. First Bill was working at the rent house, then he had his injury and since then we've been at the rent house. The grass was getting so tall we were afraid Maggie Beagle would get lost!!!!!! He mowed the front today, it's not nearly as big nor was the grass as high because of the trees.

Otter and I went to thrift stores after work today. We had a great time. Shopping is always fun! We also went to Michael's, she bought several art items. She shows every sign of having inherited the artistic ability from Nana, and we encourage her. She sold a bunch of her dvd's on eBay, so she could get the brush pens, good quality sketch book, and several other things I forgot.

I know it's still technically summer, but as far as I'm concerned it's over today. It's been a difficult summer. It really started with my surgery. There have been some good things, too. Not all bad. Just seems like we've had a lot more to deal with this year than we normally have. It seems like that happens about every 3 or 4 years. This summer's list:

My illness & surgery (bad but could have been much worse!).
Rent house being vacant (bad, 2 mortgages and the expense we've had to fix everything) (good, we were able to do most of the work ourselves).
Bill's injury (bad, but I've decided that there is a silver lining - he was unable to get out and do the big things he had planned when we had the heat wave so maybe he avoided a heat stroke!).
Froggy's visit! (Very Good, but bad because it was too short!).
Otter's trip to Texas (good).
Otter went to camp (good).
We had a July 4th visit from Bill's sister & brother and their families (Good!).
Bill did NOT start any fires with his fireworks this year! (Good, and surprising).
We had to install an electric fence (Frasier!). Could be bad or good.
All the rain we had early in the summer. (Bad, we were never able to get the pool up). (Bad, millions and millions of bugs!). (Good, millions of frogs to eat the bugs). (Good, things are still blooming that should already be through by this time).
Paid off the car. (Very Good!) (But bad because now I have new car fever!)

If I think of any more, I'll add them on or mention them in my next post.

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