Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ok, Now it really is Wednesday!

Bill went to the rent house tonight, I didn't go this time. We'll all go on Sunday. And we will get everything done. The ad comes out this weekend, there's not that much done but it's still going to take most of the day because it's bigger stuff. I'm going to take pictures of the interior, the floors look so good! Also the french doors in the master bedroom and the new carpet will be in by then. The carpet guy will be there on Saturday. We were joking that we should just move back in there, since it's got new floors. Not seriously, although I do wish that we'd had the floors done when we did still live there.

I'd like to say hello to someone. Hi Trina! Hang in there. It's not a crime to speak your opinions, in fact we all should be able to do so without fear. :) We don't all have to have the same opinion, the world would be pretty boring if we did.

I bought new dog toys today. Two new nylabones, which Frasier & Maggie love. They go through them pretty quickly. I also bought a different style chew toy that I was told was going to last a long time. Yeah, right! It was a hard rubber bone shaped piece covered with tennis ball covering. Lasted less than 3 minutes, then I had to pick up pieces and throw them away. Frasier strikes again! Maggie's latest accomplishment is that she has abandoned Otter's bed (probably temporary) for the pile of stuffed animals that come off the bed and land in the floor every night. Guess her little tushy is too delicate for the floor! She reminds me of the scene in the movie ET where he's hiding with all the toys. She hasn't danced for me in a few days, but now she sits up on her behind and waves her paws at me when she wants to get attention. I haven't seen her do that to Otter but if it works with one of us, she will repeat it. She's funny, that's for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ottermom. You and a few others have been really supportive, and it is really appreciated. I agree, the world would be pretty boring if we all thought the same.