Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thursday and First Day of High School

She survived her first day! Otter said that the school is huge and that there are a lot more kids than she thought. She's been to the school a couple of times and had a map, but it looks different with all those kids. She has Debate as one of her electives, Debate is held at the actual "high school" (11th & 12th grade) and the class is bussed over there then bussed back. She had the supply lists when she came home, we had a lot of the basic supplies but the teacher-specific lists didn't come out until today. So we went to Wallyworld, along with everybody else and their mother, and the trip exhausted both of us!

Bill is better. I took him to the rent house this morning, he spent most of the day sitting in a chair and pulling carpet nails up. He was only there for a few hours and he managed to get himself home, he actually was able to drive without much difficulty. He's still in pain, but not nearly as much as it was. He's also not quite as grouchy!

We just picked up a power washer, the front porch is going to get a good washing. He pulled up the indoor/outdoor carpet the other day and the glue needs to be power washed or it won't come off. Then the front porch will be painted with a special concrete paint that has a slight amount of grit in it so it won't be slick. But we are nearly through, hopefully we can get it all finished up and the floors done by the end of August so we can get it rented again.

We had a bat on the front porch last night! It was hanging in a corner area, near the top of the porch wall. I guess it thought that was a good spot to roost, it must have been there all day. It left when it got dark. Were hoping that it comes back and brings a few friends, we've had so many mosquitos. We have a bat house but they haven't found it yet. It can take a few years for a bat house to get bats. We had it in what we thought was a good spot, but it turned out to be in full sun so we moved a year or so ago. Eventually, it will probably have tenants.

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