Friday, August 17, 2007

The latest Bill Adventure installment! And Happy Birthday Toadles!

Bill saw the doctor today, for the follow up. He was hoping she would take the stitches out. Which did not happen. She wants him to stay on light duty until the 24th (next Friday), and hopefully he can go back to regular duty on the 27th (Monday). He sees her again next Thursday. Until then, he still has the same restrictions. The problem is because of where on his ankle the laceration/stitches are. It is healing, but it's a slow area to heal completely. She's concerned that if she takes the stitches out too soon, it will re-open and if that happens it won't be something that can be re-stitched which would cause a whole lot of other problems.

We didn't get much done at the rent house yesterday. Well, I did. I pulled up the rest of the carpet tack in Otter's old room and the office, and part of the dining room. Bill was going to paint the kitchen, and he had started on it when I left.

But one of my tires was low, and I had a problem getting air into it when I stopped at the convenience store. So I called him and he came to help me, it turned out that the air compressor itself was bad so we went to a different place and their was bad, too! We got enough air into it so I could get home, then Bill filled up his portable air tank with his compressor and filled the tire the rest of the way. It apparently has a slow leak. We're going to keep an eye on it, then Monday when I take the car in for an oil change I'll ask them to find the leak and fix it. The tires are only about a year old, if that.

Toadly Frog is another year older! (Also known as my brother Todd). Today is his birthday. So, Happy Birthday Brudder! Otter sang you the last verses of the birthday song - the part about looking like a monkey and living in the zoo. Just remember - you will always be older than me! And since you are also older than Froggy, you are ancient! You are certainly living up to your other nickname - Old Man of the Mountain! Oops, I mean Mountain Man. But I like my version better. :)

We are finally below 100 degrees. We saw San Antonio on the news this morning, I remember those rains that cause flooding and some of the low spots are really bad judging from the pictures we got from Robin's email. Hope everyone is ok. We might get a little rain out of the same system, we have a chance but I think it's pretty slim. Except for Sunday, which is the one day we don't want rain because we have outside projects at the rent house. But I won't complain much if it rains, I'm not looking forward to getting up on the ladder and painting window frames!

And I've lost another 5 pounds! I weighed when Bill was at the doctor. He's lost at least 30 pounds himself, I am now at 35 pounds down! I have lost 5 pounds since the last time I weighed which was at the end of June. Happy Happy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah Mary and Bill.

I called Toadles and sang Happy Birthday to you, you are older than