Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday and I'm melting! Melting!

Ok, so I stole that line from the Wicked Witch of the West (no comments please!) But it kind of fits. We went to the rent house early this morning, I think we were there just after 8:00. I mowed as soon as we got there, it was getting warm by the time I got finished and I felt like I really was melting. Otter kept me well supplied with water, she takes pretty good care of me. Bill got the first coat of porch paint done and then we did a few things inside. We pulled a few carpet nails/staples, and that is a LOT harder than it sounds. They are not made to be accidentally removed, they are in to stay. Otter wiped down the living room, dining room and hallway walls. She helped me tape off the few spots in the kitchen that need to be painted. We went to Wallyworld for a new mini-blind. Otter washed a few of the windows. When she and I left, Bill was painting the kitchen and was going to put the second coat (light blue) on the porch. We brought home several cans of half-used paint. I'm going back there after work tomorrow and pull a few more nails. The carpet guy is going to start on Monday the 20th, so we have to get the nails up by then. I left the cleaning supplies over there, I decided to wait on cleaning the kitchen until we're finished (except for the floors).

Bill's ankle is doing much better. I've been changing the dressings daily and it does not look like any infection. It looks like it's healing up well. He goes to the doctor on Friday for the follow-up.

Th-th-that's all, ffffolks!

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