Thursday, September 20, 2007

Imagine I've Come Up With a Clever Title!!!

Because I'm drawing a blank. Hate when that happens!

It's Thursday and Survivor's new season started tonight. I watched the first 15 minutes, then I lost interest. I saw long enough to see that the Christian woman got up and walked out of the Buddhist ceremony. And I would have done the exact same thing, I really respect her for having the courage of her convictions. Of course, she will probably be voted off early for that.

Frasier's eye seems to be a lot better. I had given it until today, then I was going to take him to the vet if it wasn't better. But it's not watering anymore and it looks almost back to normal. I really do think it was an allergic reaction. Quite possibly to the ragweed plant he'd managed to mow down in his running up and down the fence line! The plant in question is now gone, I yanked it and tossed it over the fence. Then I had to run inside and wash my hands! But that one at least is gone. There will be more, there always are.

The chimney cleaners are coming out tomorrow afternoon. They are also going to clean out the dryer vent. The dryer vent is really strange, they are supposed to be short and straight. Not this one! It also goes up, which means that the dryer has to fight gravity. Bill thinks it's clogged up. It was cleaned out a few months before we bought this house, so it's time to get it cleaned. We had the chimney cleaned the first winter we were in this house, so it's been 3 years for it as well and we certainly used the fireplace a LOT last year. So it could probably stand a good cleaning as well.

I have not seen one hummingbird since about Monday. I'm going to take down all but the one feeder that is by the dining room window. The other two are going to get drained, cleaned and put away for winter. The remaining one will probably come down in about a week, if I don't see anymore birds.

Bill's decided to paint the back door of the rent house, it was on the list to do but it got forgotten. He went over there today to hit the door with 409 and then Sunday morning he will go paint it. While it's drying, he'll mow the lawn. Then hopefully the door will be dry by the time he's finished - it would not be a good thing for it to be painted shut! The new tenants move in next Friday. I have already arranged for the utilities to be switched out of our names on Friday as well.

School pictures came back today. I'll get them sent out in the next few days.

Circus Dog Maggie is now wanting my attention! So I'm going to go play with her now.

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