Sunday, September 30, 2007


We saw the Moving Wall this afternoon. Even being smaller scale than the real one, it's pretty big. So many names. It's something that just reaches out and grabs you right around the heart. There was a program going on at the time we were there, I was very pleased to see so many younger people there and they were all very respectful and observant. Quite a few Vietnam veterans were there. There were a few displays, a few of the helicopters from the era and a whole bunch of the Patriot Riders were there. If it's ever in an area where you can see it, I strongly suggest attending. I'd love to see the real Wall, but who knows if that will ever happen.

Otter & I went to two flea markets this morning. We went for her, but as seems to be happening lately she didn't find anything but I did! I found two Fenton Glass perfume bottles, one might be on eBay and one to keep. I haven't decided yet on that. I found a cookie jar that looks like an old moonshine whiskey jug and it's now sitting on the hearth next to my butter churns and crock. I've been looking for an actual jug, but I have not had any luck. So when I saw the cookie jar today, I decided to get it. It has "cookie jug" written on one side, I just turned it around so that the blank side is facing out and unless you pick it up you can't tell that it's not a real jug.

Froggy, the older lady that ran the booth that you talked to for so long is still there - we were afraid it was her obituary we read a few weeks back, but it wasn't. I bought the cookie jug at her booth. The older lady that had all the ceramic stuff including the trees - I think it might have been her that passed away. I didn't see her, her booth has someone else in it now and I saw a few things that I think were her's originally in another booth altogether. I'm still looking for a ceramic tree for you, I saw two but there were huge and I was afraid that they might not survive shipping.

We also went to lunch at a Chinese buffet, then we hit a thrift store. I found a nice black blouse & grey skirt, and two glass pieces. One is depression glass and is possibly for eBay, the other one is a blown glass bottle or vase and I'm thinking I might keep it. Otter's dry spell is finally over! She found two blouses and three books.

Two of the books are official "banned books." To Kill a Mockingbird and The Diary of Anne Frank. Censorship is absolutely wrong, and since Read A Banned Book week is this week, Otter was happy that she found these two. I've read Mockingbird but I don't think I ever actually read Anne Frank. I'm going to remedy that situation!

The Fenton perfume is the one in the center. I only took a picture of one, since they are identical. The brown vase looks darker in the picture than it actually is. The depression glass plate is on the opposite side from the brown bottle.

Oh yeah, Froggy - at the flea market there was a man selling salamanders. The big kind with the feathery things at the sides of the head. We seriously discussed buying one, but we knew that Bill would probably say no! So we just held one and played with it for a while - and thought about you! It wasn't a frog, but it was as close as we could find. I think the seller thought that we would be scared of them, he stuck one up almost in my face and then he looked extremely surprised when I took it from him! And of course Otter had to hold it, too.


Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't frogs or turtles. I thought you were finished selling on ebay?
This was a much more interesting title than some of the others.
I bet it was the lady that sold the ceramics that died. She was in very poor health.
If the Wall ever comes here I will go see it. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

We're probably never going to completely stop on eBay, but it will be whatever whenever. Bill will have the occasional overhead projectors and sometimes I'll find something to sell. But it's not going to be like it was when we wanted it to be my full-time job. We have to do a certain amount of business to qualify for the tax breaks, so it's not going to completely stop but it will slow down considerably. We're pretty much at that point now.