Monday, October 01, 2007

It's October!

But you'd never know it, it's been in the 80's and very windy the last couple of days. Like spring! Today wasn't windy, but it does not look like Fall. I put my ceramic jack-o-lantern pumpkins out on the front porch, and Otter is in charge of the inside decorations. We have a whole bunch of stuffed, straw, candle, metal, etc., pumpkins. I also need to find my jack-o-lantern placemats. They are in the china cabinet, it's just a matter of actually getting them out. Maybe tonight, maybe not.

We'll head to the pumpkin patch in the next couple of weeks and get real pumpkins. Even though Otter is past trick-or-treating age, we always have lots of kids that come by and we usually have at least two real jack-o-lanterns.

I remember Mom always loving Halloween. She always had a lot of fun, she would decorate a lot and I think she enjoyed it as much as her kids did.

And then there was Aunt Jessie's apartment behind our house, and only the most special kids got to go back to her door for candy! She would always have candy in the little paper bags that would about fit in your palm. It was a special treat for the neighborhood kids, to get candy from Aunt Jessie. Everyone called her Aunt Jessie, even the non-relatives. She was just that type of person, she loved everybody and I think everybody loved her. We gave her the highest tribute we possibly could. Which family will understand, I'm just not going into details on that one for privacy.

I keep meaning to take down the remaining hummingbird feeder, but I keep forgetting about it. I was out in the back yard tonight, and I remembered to put a couple of empty plant pots away in the garage. While I was in the garage, I found the box for the feeder. I brought the box in and put it on the kitchen counter. And then I promptly forgot all about the feeder! It's dark now, so I'll get it in the morning. If I remember, that is.

I forgot to mention that Bill heard coyotes Friday night. I went to bed before he did, he was watching tv in the living room and he had the back door open with the window in the storm door up so he could get some of the breeze. Frasier was asleep, he woke up out of a deep sleep and ran out there to bark at them. Probably a good thing that Frasier is afraid of the electric fence! Otherwise, he would probably have been out there with them. I don't know if he would have fought with them or been friendly, either way I don't want him making new friends! He looks so much like one that if he did make friends and decided to hang out with them, he might get shot for one. Last night, we were sitting in the living room watching tv and Frasier was asleep in his spot. The dog was growling in his sleep. Guess he wasn't having a happy dream!

We also caught a hint of eau de polecat (skunks for all you non-Texans!) on the morning air today. Just a hint, but it's getting to be the time of year when they are moving in search of warm places. That's something else we don't want Frasier to come across! He kills cats, and knowing that dog he would probably think it was another kitty. He's had all his shots, but we have this fear of not discovering that he's been skunked until he runs in the dog door! Hopefully, that won't happen. That would not be a good thing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was talking to Erik about how the trees are still green with no sign of them changing colors anytime soon. He pointed out that its because all the rain we had in June, duh-I knew that. lol I want to get our pictures made for Christmas soon, but we can't take Christmas pictures when it looks like spring outside!!!