Monday, October 22, 2007

It's Cold!

And rainy, too. We hit our high temp of 50 degrees at midnight. And it's been downhill since then. It's not really all that cold, it's just that it was in the 70's yesterday and now it's in the 40's. If it wasn't rainy, it might not feel so cold. I think we might need to check the heater, it might need to be turned on soon. Also, having grown up in South TEXAS I spend a lot of time imagining that my feet are cold. I generally complain about cold feet from September 1 until about April or May. "All in my head". Yeah, and I just imagined the snow flakes I saw today. Several people saw them, it was even on the news. Global warming?

The Magginator loves this weather. She was zooming around the house, as fast as those paws could go. She would race around in circles, rest for a couple of minutes and then do it again. I think she finally wore herself out, after about 5 or 6 spells of racing. She covers the entire house, the first time she was just running in circles around the living room and then the second time she was running around Frasier. He was smart, he just sat in the middle of the floor and watched her going around and around. By the time she was finished, she was running all the way to the opposite side of our bedroom and then back to the kitchen again. She's kind of nuts. I really think that if the Energize bunny ever retires that Maggie would be a great replacement.

Frasier keeps coming up to me and bumping my arm with his head, sometimes he wants to be hugged but mostly I think that he's just playing tag - and I'm it!

Happy Birthday, Kendall! The big 15! Just think, just a few more years and you'll be 18. And then you won't have to do what you're told! :)

We had an interesting spider on the back deck last night. He was pretty big, the body was about the size of a quarter and he was very fat. Shape was similar to a black widow, but it was not one of those! We couldn't find the exact spider on the internet, but we think it was possibly a crab spider. Kind of an orange color. He built a good sized web, just outside the back door & window. And almost immediately, he had two servings of dinner. As the spider was building the web, it would zoom down almost to the deck and then I would have to hold Maggie back because she wanted to eat it. He would them climb back up and gather the web in two of his legs as he went up. Then he would attach other pieces of web to it, and he made his entire web that way. We enjoyed watching him. I took a couple of pictures, but they weren't clear enough to tell details so I'm not posting them. But we are not worried that it was a poisonous spider, we know most of the bad ones we have in this area and crab spiders don't seem to be among them. Mostly, the bad ones we have to deal with are brown recluse and we know what they look like. We get wolf spiders, too. They are really neat.

I'm heading to the kitchen now, to put on a pot of spaghetti! Good cold weather food. I'd make chili, but I am out of the fixings for it.


Unknown said...

Global Warming will actually cause the earth to get colder, sort of like a nuclear winter. It causes the emissions to rise so that our atmosphere is polluted, the sun isn't able to get through as much as it use to so it makes the earth colder. Right now, the changes are slight enough that we have just been experiencing weird weather.

In an earlier blog you mentioned how the earth goes through cycles, and you are right. Humans have caused great amounts of pollution in the last hundred years that is taking its toll on our environment. So though weather changes are apart of nature we are not helping out any, and the weather changes we are experiencing aren't so natural.

Global warming may or may not be exaggerated by the democrats, but its definitely not just a left wing conspiracy. There is only so much you can take from the Earth before she starts to go crazy.

Otter Mom said...

Sorry, it's not real. I respect your right to your opinion. I just don't share it.

When are we going thrifting again?

Unknown said...

Good question, I am not sure when I will have the money for it. (You know, the same old song.) Hopefully it will be soon, perhaps at the first of the month?