Monday, October 08, 2007

Blog Action Day is Next Week

I read an interesting article just now. Blog Action Day is October 15. Apparently, everyone with a blog is supposed to post something about the environment. The general theme of the article is how "we" are all supposed to push the idea of global warming. Sure, I'll post! I'll post about how global warming is a myth, and how the changes in the weather are normal cycles that the earth has been going through for millions of years! And how we probably don't have much of an effect on it, no matter what we do - or don't do.

I saw this on another website. I thought it was funny. And probably not too far off!

Otter is very happy with her new bed, and so is the beagle. I checked on them before I went to bed last night, they were both asleep and it looked like they had enough room without the beagle stealing the covers or hogging the bed. So I'd say that the new bed has the official Maggie stamp of approval!

Bill started coming down with Otter's illness, he was fine until yesterday evening and then he started with the cold symptoms. He went to bed about 9:00, and I heard him snoring about 30 seconds later. I was in the opposite end of the house, and it sounded like he was standing right next to me! I knew that there was no way I'd get any rest. So I grabbed some blankets and slept on Otter's old mattress set, which was in the living room floor. I slept ok, but I kept expecting Frasier to join me since he was on his blanket a few feet away - and the mattress set was on the floor so it would have been easy for him if he'd decided to snuggle. Fortunately, he stayed in his spot. I really didn't want to have to deal with a 65 pound furball! I meant to call Salvation Army today about donating the old bed, but I forgot. I'll try to call them tomorrow.

Bill called in today, and I went to work but about 9:00 I started coming down with the same symptoms. So I came home and took it easy all day. I spent most of the day resting. I don't feel a whole lot better, so I'm not sure yet about tomorrow. Bill's better, I think he's going in tomorrow but we'll see about that in the morning. At least Otter is over it. Which is a good thing. However, Bill is a typical man when he's sick. He acts like a big baby!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Three of our regular kids at the day care called in today. The baby was throwing up sick, the mom said it was the flu. I am still trying to decide if I want to get the flu shot. I hardly ever get sick and I always have a constant supply of hand sanitizer (which doesn't cost $28), so I am not sure it would be worth it.

Just a heads up for the next time Bill gets sick. You should go to Viet Hong (sp) on 21st and Sheridan(? In that area on 21st). They have this chicken soup that cures colds. They give you a box full of chicken, rice noodles, a few vegetables, and a bunch of fresh sprigs of herbs (all of its pre-cooked). Then they give you 1 quart bowl of steaming hot chicken broth. When you get home all you have to do is get a large mixing bowl, pour all the food in it (break up the noodles that stick to each other) then pour the broth over it. Seriously, Erik got really sick the first year we were together. (He's a baby too, but its cute.) I waited a few days then decided to get the soup, he was better the next day or so. And oh does it taste so good!