Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday's Rambling Thoughts

Two dogs in the yard today when we got home! This morning, Frasier went outside fairly early and he stayed out for quite a while. Then when we were putting Short Round (Maggie) out, he stuck his head in the dog door because he heard the lid come off the treat can. I had to get something out of the garage a little later, both dogs were snuggled up on the carpeted area we made for them and Frasier was giving me what I call dirty looks. I think maybe he tried to go over the fence and got bit again, he did not look happy! They were overjoyed to see us when we got home, Otter and her friend took them for a nice walk.

We witnessed what looked like a pretty bad car accident on the way home. I was griping because it took longer than normal to get out of the post office's parking lot due to road construction, but then I saw the accident and realized that if we had not had to deal with the construction delay, we would have been just about where the accident happened. Oklahoma is known for red-light runners and today, one of them got caught the hard way. A small white convertible ran the light, and broadsided a green "SUV" type car, not one of the big SUV's but a smaller one. The convertible went pretty far up on it's nose, I thought at first that it was going to flip or the driver was going to be thrown out because he bounced so high. I think he had his seatbelt on, but I'm not positive judging by how far he bounced up. However, the passenger must have had his belt on and also the dog in the back seat was secured somehow. The passenger got out holding his right arm and the dog seemed to be ok. We were a couple of cars back, several people got out and were helping the occupants of the two cars so I didn't do that but I did call 911 and report it. I gave the operator all the information and my name & phone number, then she said that the police were on their way and that I could leave. Since there were so many people helping, I did go on and leave and the police were just getting there then. Scary. Hope the guy in the white car has good insurance, because he is probably going to need it! And maybe he'll think twice before he runs the next red light. The driver of the SUV was hit right on the driver's door, he seemed to be ok but there were quite a few people helping him out.

No school for the rest of the week, parent conferences tomorrow and then Thursday & Friday are teacher work days. Our conferences are tonight. Otter will go to work with me tomorrow and Friday, my boss has been telling me that he & his wife haven't seen "their granddaughter" in a while so tomorrow she'll get spoiled!

1 comment:

Jan said...

We get dirty looks from our dogs too when they don't like something we do! So funny! We have one that will turn her back on us and completely ignore us...no matter what we do or say!
So happy you were being watched over and didn't end up in that accident. Witnessing an accident always scares me so much! Thank goodness you're ok!!