Thursday, October 25, 2007

Redheads Rule!

Read this:

More redhead lore: I did not write this, I found most of it online although quite a bit of it I already knew. My specific comments are in italics! I was surprised at how much information is out there.

"""Facts about Red Hair:

Red hair is not widespread, less than four percent of the world population has naturally red hair. Lss than two percent in America. The gene for red hair was discovered in 1995. There are a lot of negative connotations such as the association with witches and the famous temper (THE TEMPER IS NOT A MYTH!).

Most women who dye their hair use home kits. about one quarter dye their hair blonde, slightly more than that prefer brunette. But about 30% go red!

There was a study done a few years ago by Professor Jonathan Rees, Edinburgh University. The study identified the red hair gene, the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), which is found on the 16th chromosome. The study discovered that this one gene was responsible for red hair. Therefore, red hair is a genetic mutation.
Only about 4% of the population are natural redheads. The majority are in Ireland, Scotland and surprisingly Austrailia. Scotland has the highest population with around 14%, Ireland is next on the list at about 10%. But only about 2% of the population in the US!

There are some who believe redheads are prone to industrial deafness. This one has some basis in reality, according to studies done. It's believed to be related to the "red hair gene."

Green is supposed to be a calming color that calms red. That is probably why redheads are more commonly pictured in green. But red hair is not anything to be ashamed about! (I wear green because I think it looks good with the hair).

There was a medical study in 2002 which found that redhead are harder to sedate than most of the population and can require up to twenty percent more anesthesia. Without enough anesthesia, people can wake up during surgery! (I did not wake up during any of my surgeries, but dental work is not fun because it takes so many more shots than the rest of the world! So I think that I can attest to this one being true. Also when Bill gets stitches - which he seems to do frequently - he always needs more shots).

Most adults have about 120,000 hairs on their head. Blondes have the most, brunettes are next and then redheads have the fewest.

Redheads have been called "three-time losers" for the following reasons: lack of dark pigment in the skin causes susceptibility to sunburn, ditto for skin cancer and also wrinkles! So sunblock is a necessity. (we are not losers!)

The red head trait is a recessive gene. It might skip a few generations. But it never really goes away, several generations may pass and then surprise! A redhead! Most redheads don't turn grey. (I just have a few calico spots).

It was believed in the late 16th century that the fat of a redheaded man was an necessary ingredient to make poison.

Supposedly, Adolph Hitler was so afraid of redheads marrying and producing children that would be "deviant", he banned two redheads from marriage. (Never heard this one before, but being the mother of a redhead... and also the spouse of one...)

“Redheaded stepchild”. (Dad always called me a red-headed stepchild! He was right about the hair part anyway, just not the step-child part).
I have heard that bees will sting redheads more than other people. It's an honor in some countries to have a red headed child, Denmark for one. A Polish belief is that you will win the lottery if you pass three red heads!
The ancient greeks believed that red haired people would turn into vampires when they died. (Otter, this one is just for you!) Russian belief is that red hair is both a sign that a person holds a fiery temper and craziness. (No comments about the craziness! but yes on the temper!) Russian proverb: “There was never a saint with red hair.” England's folklore says that it's bad luck to meet a redhead at the beginning of a trip and that you should return home. (Yeah, but what if you ARE one!?)

Both English and Scottish belief is that the first caller to your home on New Years will bring you luck. Brunettes are the most lucky, blondes don't bring any luck - good or bad, a widower will mean bad luck. But the best is saved for the redheads! The worst luck of all! (Ok, who needs a redhead to visit an enemy for them!?) The philospher Aristotle stated that redheads were emotionally unhousebroken.

Lucille Ball was quoted as saying: "Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead.""""
Now the rest of this is my thoughts: I like the hair color and the pale skin, but I don't really care for the sunburning part! And I don't wear red, it clashes! And I'd rather be unique any day of the week! When Otter was born, the first question was not dealing with gender. Rather, it was "does she have hair? WHAT COLOR IS IT?" When I was in high school and in the choir, there was a boy that was redheaded. The choir director always stood us next to each other - and we actually heard complaints about the glare from our hair! My wonderful, kind, sensitive brother once said he'd like to sell tickets & popcorn if Bill and I ever got into an argument. I have been known to tell certain people that the red hair is the first warning.

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