Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Kitten is Insane!

New blog to check out! It belongs to Otter, keep in mind that she is her mother's daughter so she's not politically correct and speaks her mind. And she's also very much a Texan, and a strong woman in training.

No idea why she decided on this name, as originally she was going to title it Otter's Daughter. But both fit her.

I tried to find a good picture to post that went along with the insane kitten part, but I wasn't able to. Oh, I found pictures. Lots of them. Just none that were appropriate! Google has it's downside at times.

Insane beagles are much easier to find pictures of. We have one in our house!

Frasier might have another ear infection. He started digging at his left ear last night. He's now gotten to where he will at least let me treat his ear without too much struggle. Last night, as soon as he saw what I had in my hand he went right to the floor and put his left ear up to me. He didn't even budge while I was working on his ear, although it was a battle later to keep his paw away from his ear. I had to hold his paws down for a while, I guess the medicine finally started working because after about an hour he finally quit trying to mess with his ear. Poor baby! I'm sure it's uncomfortable for him, but he never holds it against me. Of course not, he's a sucker for a treat! And since I control the treats... The vet said that if he ever has to anesthetize Frasier for a procedure, he'll see what he can do with his ear while he's unconcious. The problem is that wax doesn't drain out of his ear correctly, and he tends to get infections after the weather has been damp. In other words, all summer this year!

I'm feeling better. I went to work, but I came home around 10:00. I have been unable to get warm all day, and my throat was starting to hurt again. Since my boss is 91 (today is his birthday) and his wife's health has been delicate lately (she's only 90), he strongly suggested that I head back home BEFORE he came in for the day. Since I was starting to feel cruddy, I decided that he was right. I stopped for a bag of potatoes on the way home so I can make potato soup today. I made a baked chicken last night, with the intention of making soup from the left overs but there weren't any leftovers! Which I should have realized, considering that Bill and Otter generally inhale baked chicken since they both like it so much.

Tell me if this makes sense to you. Because it doesn't to me. This week is Spirit Week at Otter's school. Monday was Pajama Day, Tuesday was Dress Like a Geek Day, today is Fashion Disaster Day, Thursday is Superhero Day and Friday is School Spirit Day. All fun, although no PJ's to school for Otter. And she couldn't come up with a Geek outfit. Today, she's in mismatched toe socks, mismatched earrings, a nice blouse with faded jeans and flip-flop shoes. Tomorrow she is probably going to "go ninja" and wear a lot of black with a ninja-style headband she is going to make tonight. Friday will be ultra-tiger, as the school mascot is a tiger. The strange part is that today (Fashion Disaster Day) is ALSO SCHOOL PICTURE RETAKES! I would probably not be a happy parent, if my child's pictures came back looking like some of them do today!

And I am glad that I went to vote yesterday, because my vote helped to defeat another useless sales tax increase. Tulsa County has a well-earned reputation for not really doing what they say, and we are already at nearly 9% on sales tax. And the particular issue was not well planned or thought out. It's a subject that I might approve of, but not how it was done this time.

I might get my living room back tomorrow! Salvation Army said that they would take Otter's old twin bed. A lot of places don't want furniture anymore, Goodwill for example. But Sally's said that they would be glad to get it. Poor Maggie, she won't have a mattress to snooze on in the living room anymore!


Anonymous said...

I think I have finally gone crazy. No cracks from you. I ordered tulip bulbs. I will pick them up in February. They will have already been chilled and will be ready to plant. They only come in one size. I ordered 1 pack (200 bulbs). Now I have to find a place to plant them and try to bribe my crew into helping dig. Spirit week never makes much sense. Froggy

Unknown said...

I read Otter's blog today and left a comment. (I hope she doesn't mind.) Yep, you are right -she's definitely your child. lol

Now I have 3 blogs that I will check everyday -Yours, Otters, and the Queens.

I like tulips, but they aren't my favorite. I seriously think I am going to get around to getting mums this week. If not then I may go get pansies from Home Depot (2 for 3 - 6-pack). I am really in the mood to get a plant (that won't die). (Seriously, its a genetic thing, my mom has killed a cactus before - how sad is that!)

Take care, see you this weekend.