Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday's Miscellaneous Rambling

Froggy - I think I have writer's block as far as interesting titles go. I already know that this is a boring title!

Otter is registered for the karate test. She wasn't sure if she was ready or not, since she's missed a few classes lately. She talked to the instructor today and did a few practices for him to critique, then she decided that she is ready. So I paid the fee and she will take her test at noon on Saturday. The testing is done in a group, but each student has to do the moves and forms individually as well as with the group. They also do quite a bit of sparring, and she's gotten bloody from testing before. It's not for the faint of heart! But she's tough and very determined. The students are required to bring their sparring gear, which consists of a mouthpiece, boxing gloves and shin gaurds. And in her case, a strap to hold her glasses on! She's been punched in the nose a few times because she wasn't able to see well enough, so we bought a strap for her glasses and even though she complains that it's unfashionable, it will be on her head holding the glasses on. You'd think that she'd prefer to see and not get bopped in the face! It's a workout, they get sweaty and tired, and frequently bruised - it's not a fashion show!! But you'd never know that, to hear her gripe about the strap!

I haven't seen any hummingbirds since yesterday, when I saw one flying by the feeder but not stopping at it. I am going to take down the feeder that is hanging outside the kitchen window, which will leave two up. Then I will probably take down one of the remaining two in a few days and just leave the one by the dining room window for a while. I think that they are just about finished for the year, most of them have probably already started the migration. We've really enjoyed them this year.

I'm thinking that Frasier might have an eye infection. His right eye was a little wattery the last couple of days and the skin around it looked a little red. It seems to be better today, so it might be an allergy. But I'm going to watch it and maybe take him to the vet in the next few days. I might give him a little benadryl, it's safe for dogs. He has been sneezing as much as I have lately! He let me look at his eye, I didn't see anything in it. He's a pretty tolerant dog, he gets frequent ear infections and he was probably just glad I wasn't messing with his years! The Magginator is still going strong, very little derails that particular locomotive doggie! She's discovered tennis balls lately, she has a lot of fun with them. She likes rope toys, but she tears them apart quickly. Bill has a long, thick rope that he's been playing with her with. He tossed one end of it out into the living room the other day, like he was fishing. He must have had spectacular bait on it, because he caught a Beagle! Crazy dog. Absolutely insane. And Frasier is nearly as nuts as she is!

I stopped by the driver's license place the other day. Otter now has a driver's manual. She's had 3 or 4 driving lessons, but mostly just to let her see how it feels to drive. The serious lessons will start once she's read the manual. (Otter - this is your only hint, I'm not going to remind you again. If you want to learn to drive FOR REAL, then you'd better get your nose buried in that manual and learn it!)

I thought we were through with the rent house. But Bill remembered that he never painted the back door, which was pretty scratched up. So he's going over there Sunday morning and paint the door. Then we might be though, every time I think that something else comes up! He'll probably mow over there on Sunday as well.


Unknown said...

Otter, the manual really isn't bad at all, mostly its boring, but it does help a lot.

Ottermom, you know what else helps? Taking her out to a pasture with cows and teaching defensive driving. lol My dad had a 4x4 truck so he would take me in my great grandparents cow pasture, teach me how to fishtail so that I could learn how to get out of one. I don't know who enjoyed it more, my dad or me. lol To teach me about road manners and safety he would let me drive on a country road on the way out to my nanny's pulling his trailer - not easy at all, but I am a really careful driver now, sometimes to a fault I think. If I am hesitant about pulling out then I will wait for however long it takes to get a good clear shot, this drives my little sister crazy, "You could have gone." "Go...nnnn..ow." blah blah blah, but I think its better safe than sorry, which is a good thing to always keep in mind.

Unknown said...

P.S. Otter I am excited for you, driving is such a nice ability to have, I bet you'll do great.

Anonymous said...

Can she get a drivers license (when she is old enought) without some type of lessons. We did parent education for Amy. Here we have to register for this and pay a fee. You must have a clean license to teach this. But it was scarry, frustrating, and difficult, because I was teaching my teenager. She know agrees that I knew what I was doing!! Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Otter has had a few lessons, the streets behind our house don't have houses yet and that's where we take her. She's done pretty good.
I'm not sure about her getting a license without driver's ed but I think that she should be able to. Driver's ed is an elective course. I'll check into the situation.