Friday, December 07, 2007

2nd Post for Friday, 12/7/07

I didn't want to put anything else up with my Pearl Harbor reminder, so I'm posting twice today!

We're playing the Asthma Game with Otter today. She has been fighting it off all week, but yesterday the asthma won a round of the game. She is home today, and because it's asthma I stayed home with her. For most things, if she's sick she can stay home by herself. But not asthma. Frasier has been attending to her, Maggie was having a nap and now that Maggie is up from her nap I notice that she's glued to Otter's side. And now Frasier is having a nap. (And he's either snoring or talking in his sleep!) They're like a tag team sometimes. They took care of me when I was sick last spring, and when Bill was hurt in August I noticed that they seemed to pay very close attention to him.

It's in the 40's and misting. Should be like this all day, then tomorrow it might be a little colder. Sunday has a chance of winter weather, and we'll be below freezing or at least in the low 30's for a few days. Guess I should go get my birdfeeders out of the garage and hang them outside. As long as I see bugs, I figure the birds can manage to feed themselves. But when it gets this cold or when we get winter weather, I put the feeders out. The dogs help me, if any birdseed gets spilled on the grass then the dogs pretend to be vaccum cleaners!

Since I'm home, I've done all my laundry and cleaned everything I could think of. So thereotically I don't have to do anything else all weekend. Well, that's the plan anyway! Maybe I'll bully Bill into getting the Christmas stuff down from the attic for me. I was going to get it down myself, but it's a little more than one person can handle. I'll probably climb up there later on and see if I can find the wreath at least.



Anonymous said...

Mom always put her tree up on December 16. She said that was her mom's birthday.
I plan to get my tree decorated this weekend. Since Lee is home, I hope to get the Christmas lights up outside. We will see. If not this weekend then next week.

Otter Mom said...

I'd completely forgotten about that! I remember now, it was always the 16th.