Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday. Still Cold. Need any firewood?

'Cause we got plenty! And we are not anywhere near finished. There's still plenty more just waiting on Bill and the chainsaw. Bill's boss is out of firewood, so Bill told him to come on over but I don't know if he will or not. He said he was afraid that we'd run short, but I don't think he realizes just how much we will have when we're finished.

Bill went to work today. He'd been gone about 10 minutes when his boss called to tell him that they were closed. Fortunately, the cell phone worked so I could catch him and he came back home. After it got light, he headed over to the rent house to work on the tree. He said it's not as bad as he thought, the tree might survive. But it is badly damaged so it remains to be seen. The tree did miss the house, and the fence has a good sized dent where the tree limbs hit it. He brought home a van load of firewood and left some there, which he'll probably get in a few days.

Otter went to work with me today, Bill came by when he got finished at the rent house and we went to lunch. Then he headed on home and got back to work in the front yard.

After work, Otter and I were heading for WalMart but they were closed. They were open Monday, but they were closed today. Of course, we couldn't tell until we turned into the parking lot and saw the sign on the door - we didn't quite get to park so we didn't have to get out of the car to find out. We turned around and headed for another grocery store, and we were part of an unnofficial convoy of other cars that all went to the same place! I was able to get bread, eggs, milk and a few other things that they were out of the other day. But they were still very crowded and I did notice that they were out of or low on lots of things. There was only one variety of bread that had been delivered, fortunately it was a good wheat bread but I'd have bought it anyway! We also stopped at the gas station so I could fill the car.

When we got home, Bill was still out in the front yard working on the trees. He'd gotten a lot done, but there was still plenty for me to do. He's gotten at least a rick of wood, probably a cord and there's still a lot.

We had a mini-Adventure in Bill Land on Monday! I forgot about it when I was posting the pictures. At one point, he was cutting a limb off that had partially broken off and it fell down to the ground. Then it bounced up and hit him in the face! He came inside when I was on the phone to Froggy, so she already knows this story. He had 3 or 4 small cuts, none deep but he did scare the heck out of Otter! And then I had my own adventure today when I was helping stack the wood he cut for firewood. I smacked myself in the mouth with a log! OUCH! I might have a bruise tomorrow. But it was on the side of my mouth where I have the partial denture on the bottom, so at least I don't have to worry about teeth! :) At that point, Bill sent me back to the front to start stacking twigs and smaller pieces for the city to pick up. He thought I might be safer! But I still wound up with a frozen nose & fingers! At least they felt frozen.

I ran the dishwasher twice last night, and I've done two loads of laundry today. I'm not waiting, we have a good chance of snow the next few days and I'd prefer not to run out of clean clothing!

When the power came on yesterday, there were several instances where it flickered last night. So we had another living room camp out, just in case. And I woke up with a beagle on my feet again this morning!

No school again tomorrow. They have now used all three of their built-in snow days, tomorrow will be made up on President's Day. At this rate, they might not go on Friday either. But we don't know yet. A lot of the districts have announced for tomorrow and Friday, but ours hasn't yet.

I really hope that we don't get the forecasted snow. It would not be a good thing right now. But I have been to the store and stocked up a little bit more, and I'm getting the laundry done. Just in case.

Bill's Dad was still without power when I talked to his step-mom this afternoon. They managed to get some of their food into a friend's freezer, but she said that they lost quite a bit. We were just lucky to save ours.

My friend Trina said that they did not lose power, which they usually do. They are in an apartment, but they have a paper route so they still had to deal with the weather. She said that they have a lot of elderly clients on their route, and they've been checking on them as they deliver. Trina, I think that is very nice of you and I know the people appreciate it as well. Just be careful yourself! Maybe we will get to go thrifting again sometime in the next few months? If the weather ever straightens out, that is!


Anonymous said...

So now Mary has to try to outdo Bill's mishaps? NO MORE MISHAPS!

Trina, I think that your checking on your customers was a very wonderful thing to do.

Jan said...

Hey there girl! So glad you're getting back to some 'semblance of normal! What a mess! I can remember those kinds of storms from when I lived in IL! Both of you be careful!
Take care!

Unknown said...

For the record I only checked on the one I knew were elderly so its not like I knocked on every door, but thanks guys. All I know is that if I lived away from my grandma and couldn't check on her in times like last week I would hope someone else would, thats what a community is suppose to do, whether they do it or no is another story.

I would love to go thrifting with you but I have to find another job as it would turn out. My boss emailed me yesterday saying "Your services are no longer needed at this time. Its been a pleasure working with you." This email came only after I emailed her trying to find my check since she didn't answer her phone Thursday or Friday. (I am a little ticked to say the least, but I won't really get into the details until I blog about it later this week. I don't want to blog about it until I get my check from her just in case she reads it and decides give me more hassles about what she owes me.)

Thankfully, I will be able to baby sit for a lady that I found through craigslist. She pays well enough considering its just one child, she orders everything in her home perfectly, and her child is a cake walk so everything is good with that. After the new year I will start looking for another job. Probably look for something administrative because I am getting tired of dealing with daycare directors, and I have only worked in 2 daycares for short periods of time each. (Errg. If I didn't know better I would say I might have some red hair or Texan in me lol.)