Monday, December 17, 2007


I am asking for prayers for my friend Virginia's family. Her daughter, Sara, 25 years old & married with 3 young children, has been given 2 to 6 months to live. I've asked for prayers for her before, but here's the story:

Sara was diagnosed a couple of years ago with a rare, incurable form of cancer. At the time, the doctors said that there was a very strong medication which could probably buy her anywhere from a few to several years, and since she was young and healthy the doctors were very optimistic. However, Sara got pregnant and had to go off of the drug for the duration of her pregnancy. The baby is a few months old now, she shows no sign of any problems and Sara went back on the medication as soon as she'd delivered her daughter.

Sara has had a few problems lately, and she's been hospitalized a couple of times. Virginia and David (Virginia's husband) invited Sara, Jesse (Sara's husband) and the kids to move in with them a few months ago because Sara has been unable to work and they weren't making it on Jesse's wages alone.

On Friday, Sara was in a lot of pain and the doctor admitted her to the hospital again. The test results were not good. Sara has very little time left, from Virginia's email I get the feeling that the doctor is thinking that even 6 months is a stretch, that it will probably be a lot less.

They are all devastated. And so am I, Virginia is my dearest friend and I can't help her.

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