Friday, December 28, 2007

No Lumberjack Songs Sung at My House Yet!

Anybody who is a Monty Python fan will understand what I mean by that title. "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok..."

We were going to tackle the trees on Wednesday but the forecast was for rain and/or snow. So of course we had neither. Then we decided on today, but the forecast was similar to Wednesday. It's been sunny and dry all day long! We are possibly aiming for Sunday afternoon, but the forecast is the same. Our other day is Monday, rain or shine!

I've been using one of Bill's crutches since yesterday, at least around the house. Plantar Fasciatis is not for the faint of heart! But the crutch does help.

The house is de-Christmased! We took the tree down this afternoon and put everything away. Then Otter had to vacuum the living room, which I don't think she was too pleased about but Oh Well!

Maggie Beagle is in disgrace. Bill was in the garage, he heard her trying to take something out the doggie door and when he checked - she had a dvd case in her mouth! As soon as she saw him, she dropped it and then she scooted out the doggie door as fast as she could. And then she stayed out for several hours. Little art-fay! So now I'm not really sure which dog took the ornament out or which dog bit the other ornament. One of them is a bad influence on the other, we just don't know which is which.

Frasier has taken to sleeping at the foot of our bed, so I bought a remnant piece of fleece-type fabric at Wallyworld and put it where he's been sleeping, we'll see if he sleeps on it. I usually toss the decorative pillows at the foot of the bed, and he's been sleeping on them. But I don't want him to sleep on them, so we'll see if he likes his $1.17 new bedding! It's about as soft as the fleece blanket that he sleeps on in the living room. If he doesn't like it, then he's out of luck and can sleep on the carpet. Spoiled dog. They both are, actually!

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