Monday, December 17, 2007

Busy Day All Over the Place!

My busy day actually started yesterday evening. Maggie has had to have her "rear glands" cleaned out before, she's been dragging her behind off & on lately so we knew she probably was due for another butt squishing, as Otter calls it. Last night, she was walking across the living room floor and she suddenly flopped her behind down and dragged it across the floor. Then she started looking sad, very droopy. Then she started shivering. She was not in any pain that I could detect, her ears looked fine, she wasn't feverish. So I called an all-night vet and they said that it probably was those rear glands, that when they get impacted dogs will sometimes act like that. They said that they could take care of it, but that we could also wait until today to see our regular vet. We just had to keep an eye on her in case she had any other symptoms develop. Maggie sleeps in Otter's bed, Otter said that Magginator was quiet last night and not restless. So I called the vet this morning, they said to bring her in at 4:00.

Maggie was not in the yard when we got home. The gates were locked, nothing was missing besides the dog. However, I discovered that the back gate was slightly ajar. And there was a spot at the base of the gate where a dog had been digging. We think that Maggie was digging for a mole, because the hole did not look like she actually dug her way out, and bumped the gate. The gate is not the best, and it's not very sturdy. Otter was a basket case by this point. I went out in the field/street area behind the houses and started yelling as loudly as I could for the dog. After what seemed like forever, but was probably only 5 - 10 minutes, I heard Otter screaming at me and saw a furry blur running by at the end of the street where I was standing. I called Maggie and could see her jumping up as she ran, looking over the weeds to find me since she could hear my voice. I took off running towards her, and she was running as fast as all four feet could carry her towards me. I picked her up and carried her to the back yard, which was hard as she hates to be picked up and she was also in a big hurry to get to Otter. I might have a bruise on my lip and chin tomorrow, in the shape of a dog's snout. We blocked the gate closed with a cinderblock, then we went to the vet.

Magginator got her behind squished and she is much better. The vet said that he didn't see any signs of infection and that everything else looked good. That was one happy dog when we left, she could not get out of the exam room fast enough! I don't think I blame her for wanting to leave the vet's office.

When Bill got home, we secured the gate with a bungee cord and adjusted the cinderblock. Frasier was in the yard the entire time that Maggie was gone, he did not act like he wanted to get out at all. We think that the electric fence probably has a lot to do with that!

It was pretty busy at work, I'm getting ready to be gone next week and there was also a lot of work because my younger boss was gone last week. His desk was piled up with things while he was gone. Now mine is piled up with things from his desk! Tomorrow will be busy, and Wednesday probably won't be too calm either. But Thursday and Friday should be a lot better, I am going to try to get as much done tomorrow and Wednesday as I possibly can so that any last-minute stuff that comes up can be dealt with easily. Because there will be a last-minute crisis. There always is!

1 comment:

Jan said...

It never ceases to amaze me! How these animals escape is beyond me! We have one that is in the fenced yard one minute and then we look out and she's coming around to the front of the house!Just can't figure it out! Our Maggie is one of our escape artists! So glad yours is feeling better and she better stay put!!