Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!

I'm not one of those women who are afraid of admitting to my age. It's just a number, it has absolutely nothing to do with how I feel. The number is 46 this time.

Yes, Froggy I did unwrap my gift from you. It's an ornament, shaped like a license plate. A Texas license plate to be specific, and it is just perfect. I think I'm going to put it on the wall of the entrance way, which is decorated with similar Texas-related stuff.

Also, to answer Froggy's comment, I did see the soy eggnog at WalMart a while back but when I went to get some they didn't have any left. Just the regular stuff. Which would have been ok, it's just that I drank a little more of it than I should have with the fact that it's loaded with fat. And I've also consumed more than my normal amount of fat since I eat so little of it now that my body doesn't quite know how to handle it anymore.

We've given up on the WalMart gift card situation, Otter also had a My Choice gift certificate which is where you can choose from a number of merchants to get a gift card. She chose Amazon, and they have the same Ipod she wanted so she's decided to go that route. It will also mean that she'll probably have a little cash left over, since the one on Amazon was a little cheaper than Wally's was. The WalMart situation is apparently still ongoing, we saw it on CNN this morning and it does not sound like WalMart is who actually publicized it. The gift card will be used, it just will be later on. I'll call WalMart later on and tell them that we are releasing the hold on the Ipod. If they give me any grief, I'll remind them that we would have bought it yesterday if we could and that it's not our fault that their system went down. But I don't think that there will be any guff from them.

Maggie is very lazy dog, but she's had a smart moment. She wanted to get her belly rubbed. Otter is sitting at her desk and her feet were back behind her chair. Maggie got on her back, then she slithered around until her belly was right under one of Otter's feet. Then Maggie stretched several times, causing her belly to move back and forth under Otter's still foot. She found a way to get what she wanted after all!

Yes, Froggy - we WILL make peppermint ice cream when you come visit us next summer! And maybe we'll get around to making that peach cobbler at the same time - you know, the one we never got made last June when you were here. Otter goes to camp for a week at the end of June, but at this point that is the only thing she has planned during the summer. But it will change, I'm sure.

Nana is coming to visit us! In April. We can hardly wait. Otter was just beside herself with excitement when I told her. It's just over a weekend, so it will be a quick visit. But we will still enjoy it, just wish it could be longer.

I will probably add to this later on today. For now, TTFN. I think it's time for breakfast!

(Later - I'm just going to do another blog entry).

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