Sunday, October 18, 2009

Doggie Jail

Poor Maggie.

She can't quite figure this contraption out.

She'll learn soon enough.


Anonymous said...

I can't tell where this is. What is she locked out of?

Otter Mom said...

She's locked out of the hallway from Otter's room. She can get into Otter's room, but that's as far as she's allowed at the moment. We might eventually move the baby/dog gate to the door of our room, but not now. She sat on her side of it and gave me the sad puppy face. Fortunately, I'm immune!

Anonymous said...

Is Frasier locked out also? Where is Maggie going to hide now? She used to hide under your bed or in the closet. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

They are both locked out. Maggie has to be content with hiding on top of Otter's bed. We had a piece of cardboard up for a couple of days, before we got the baby gate. Frasier woke us up Saturday morning by sitting beside it and talking. LOUDLY.