Sunday, October 11, 2009

Halloween is Coming!

And the beagle is going to be a shark. A carpet shark, to be excact.

There is a farm and ranch store we like, it sells all sorts of things besides just farm & ranch supplies. They have a pet costume contest the Sunday before Halloween. Otter talked about taking the beagle last year, but we had some other things we had to do that day so we just went to look at the dogs. This year, Otter wants to take Maggie. There is a pet parade as well as the contest. (Froggy, remember Atwood's?).

One of Maggie's tricks is to roll over on her back when she wants a belly rub, and if nobody pays attention to her she will start to squirm and twist until she can reach anyone who happens to be close by. With her teeth! She doesn't bite, she just nips. But it does get your attention! Otter's been trying to come up with a costume idea, I suggested she dress the dog up like a baby - so we can put a diaper on her. But Bill suggested that she dress the dog up like a shark, since we call her the Carpet Shark when she's trying to get belly rubs. Otter loved the idea.

We have some left-over carpet pieces from the rent house, from the carpet that was destroyed, and no use for it anymore. Bill got a couple of small pieces out of the attic, and I brought them inside. Otter is probably going to get a small sized grey t-shirt to put on the dogster, then the fin will be made out of the carpet pieces. (Carpet shark, get it?). The fin will be attached to the t-shirt, but it will probably have to be strapped around the beagle belly so it doesn't fall off. We measured Maggie this morning, Otter had a great time measuring the dog and the dog seemed to like it too. We measured her belly, chest width, neck and just for fun we measured her tail and ears. And the tail wagged the whole time.
I'll post pictures later on, Otter is just getting started on the costume. She's having fun with it. And I think Maggie will enjoy it. But Frasier isn't going to be in costume. He'll go with us, but just for fun. Besides, Frasier's costume would be easy: Incognito Coyote!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frasier wants to play too. Maggie should not get all the fun. Froggy