Monday, October 19, 2009

This, That and The Otter

I like puns, ok!

Otter has decided not to enter Maggie in the costume contest this year. She's had a problem coming up with a way to attach a fin where it won't fall off or tip the dog over. So it's shelved for this year. But it's probably going to happen next year. In the meantime, here's a few Maggie pictures in her clothing.
This is the bigger t-shirt, it fits closer to her tail part.

This was waiting by the front door, in hope that the big yellow bus would be bringing her mom home soon.

This is the first shirt, the smaller one. She was checking out the sleeves on her legs. She was a little mystified. But then she frequently is!

This is also the first shirt. The sleeves are tighter and longer.
This concludes the Maggie style show portion of this entry.
The dryer vent was cleaned out today. The chimney wasn't, it has some issues that we need to get fixed and we're looking into that. But now, I can use the dryer and it doesn't take (literally) 3 or 4 times to get a load dry.
We had a power outage last night. About 9:30, the power went out and flickered a couple of times. Then it quit completely. It was obviously the entire neighborhood. As I was reporting it, there were several other calls coming in. We found the flashlights and Bill fixed up his (work only) cell phone alarm. But I still slept badly, I was afraid that we would oversleep. I woke up at 2:00 and called the electric company then for an update, they said that there had been a serious car accident which is what we thought. At that time, they thought that it would be around 4:00 before our power came back on. We woke up with Bill's temporary alarm at 5:00, then about 15 minutes later the power came back on. It wasn't cold last night, but it was cool. But we have blankets, and Otter had a warm beagle, so we were fine. But I was very glad that the power came back on when it did - otherwise I would have had to do without coffee!
And that would not have been pretty.

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