Sunday, October 04, 2009

Movie Review & Sunday Stuff

Read this:

Toy Story was the second movie we ever took Otter to see at the theater. She was born in early 1992 and it came out in 1995, so she was pretty young. So young at the time, in fact, that she doesn't even remember seeing it in the theater. But it has been a major, MAJOR part of our life since it came out and we bought the dvd as soon as it was released.

It was always a tremendously good movie. There are a few lines that Bill has more or less adopted as his own and we still hear them from him. For a movie aimed at young children, it has always had a huge popularity among adults.

Then, in 1999, Toy Story 2 was released. And it was as good as the first, although for one specific reason we think it is the best of the two. There is a specific character which is extremely popular around our house. Anybody who knows us will know exactly which one I mean and why. We actually think that Disney should owe us royalties for that one! For very obvious reasons, that particular character was one of Otter's Halloween costumes and was probably her favorite. It was certainly a very easy costume to make!

So when Otter heard that Toy Story and Toy Story 2 were going to be re-released theatrically and in 3-D, there was absolutely no doubt that we would be in the theater for the double feature. We saw them today, they were as wonderful as they always were and since she doesn't remember seeing the first one in the theater it was almost like she was seeing it for the first time - instead of about the millionth! There was also a preview for Toy Story 3, which will also be in 3-D. And yes, in case it's not already obvious, we will see it in the theater. And it is definetely what we call a popcorn movie!

It was really fun to see the movies today, there were quite a few children who were young and were very obviously seeing it for the first time. It would have been worth the ticket cost & snacks just to see/hear their reactions. They were great. And I noticed that there were as many adults without children as there were with young kids and quite a few grandparents taking grandchildren. They are just the kind of movie that is popular with all ages, and it was a lot of fun.

Other stuff: Well, it's raining. Again. But it is Fall and that happens up here. A lot. It's also been consistently in the 40's at night.

Before we went to the movies, I took Otter back to the rent house. It was a trip down memory lane for her. She hasn't been there in a while, not since we first started getting it ready to sell. She wanted to go back to it again and then we drove around the neighborhood for a while. Lots of memories!

Frasier has another spot coming up on his foot, the same leg that has the tumor/cyst/growth. The older growth shrank up quite a bit but never went away. The vet checks it each time we take him in. Now, he's got a spot on the top of the foot but I'm not sure if it's a growth or if he's just licked the hair off. So we're watching it, and I might have to take him back in to see the vet. It wasn't there when he got his shots a couple of weeks ago. But he seems to be in good spirits, he's playful and doesn't act like anything hurts. Unlike before, when the first place came up. Maggie Moo, on the other hand, is crazier than ever. She just is.

OK, I'm off to catch up on laundry now. Laundry never ends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about laundry.
Glad you enjoyed the movies.