Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Product Un-endorsement

I'm not big about product endorsements. I like what I like and that's about the end of it. However, if I DON"T like something I am very likely to talk about it.

This is one of those times.

I've done the research on this one, and although it sounds to horrible to be true - it's 100% true.

Neocutis is a brand of make up. I don't wear make up because my skin can't handle it, that is the only reason I don't. However, even if I did and even if I was paid to wear this brand it would never happen.

One of the ingredients is "Processed Skin Proteins" which sounds harmless, right?

But "Processed Skin Proteins" means something else entirely. This company has come out and admitted that they are using SKIN CELLS FROM ABORTED FETUSES. That's right, UNBORN BABIES WHICH WERE MURDERED.
For profit, no less.
There are times when I fear for the human race. This is one of those times.
There is no excuse for this one, no matter what someone says. There is no justifying this one. And yes, I did the research. Unfortunately, this is 100% true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I am ashamed of my own species.

Is it too late to become a bird?

~Otter D.