Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Mustard

Well, I've already used the title Sunday Ketchup! Besides, I like mustard better than ketchup anyway. :)

This is a general idea of what we've been up to lately:

This little grey sweetheart was at the auction we went to Thursday. She was not for sale, she's a pet of the auctioneer and is very spoiled. And very friendly! She loves people. She came running up to the fence as soon as she saw Otter. Well, as fast as an obviously very pregnant donkey can run, anyway. Froggy, the picture I texted you was of this same donkey. No, we didn't buy her! But Otter would have, if it had been possible.

Lazy Frazy. He's actually licking the carpet, I don't know why but that's what he does.

I stuck my head into Otter's room and discovered Maggie, up in bed and as close to her Mom as she can get.

This is the office cat. She showed up a couple of years ago, and of course my older boss immediately was in her power. Otter calls her Miss Whiskers. This cat is extremely spoiled, and she's got us all well trained.

Here's a better shot. She was very skittish about the camera, she ran off as soon as I took this shot. Of course, she came back later on and begged for more food. She is the only cat I've ever known of who likes to have her belly rubbed like a dog.

We've been busy today. Bill had several things he did, including mowing the back yard and cutting a bunch of wood. And he also steam cleaned the carpet in Otter's room, her bathroom and the rest of the hallway. At which point the dogsters got put out! They weren't happy, but Oh Well!

Otter did a bunch of chores inside the house for me, we both did laundry (and still have some left) and then we spent a lot of time outside playing in the dirt. Also known as working in the rock garden. I was hoping that we could get finished with it today, but we had so many other things we wanted/needed to do that we didn't have the time to spend on it. But we're nearly there. Oh yeah, we also hit a couple of thrift stores & ran a few errands.

Also, Otter's very much her mother's daughter. It's very easy to tell why. She has shoes. 22 or 23 pair as of Friday's count and she found another pair today. Bill asked her how many shoes she had on Friday, and he just about fell off the couch when she told him! He just couldn't understand why she needs so many shoes. His reasoning is that she's only got two feet and there are only 7 days in each week. At that point, I got involved in the conversation. I told him to not even try to figure it out, that it's a Girl Thing and guys just don't get it - they never will. She really does wear all of them, incidentally. I used to have lots and lots and lots of shoes. Then I broke my toes on my right foot when I tried to kick the couch into orbit. Now, I can't wear most types of shoes and certainly nothing with a heel because of the angle it puts my toes at. So I've switched my shoe addiction to purses. But it was more fun when it was shoes!


Anonymous said...

Lucky likes to lick our floor also. Silly dog. I am with Bill I don't understand this shoe thing. Mom always believed in going barefoot and so do I. That was the worst part of going to school-I had to wear shoes. Most of the time I slipped them off when we were siting at our desks and then put them back on when I had to. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

I can understand if the dog licks where there's been a spill. But Frasier licks everywhere! He likes coffee and if he can, he'll knock my hand to spill it - then he'll be very happy because he gets to lick it up.