Friday, September 16, 2011

A Few Thoughts on a Rainy, Friday, Fall Afternoon

OK, so it's not really Fall yet for another week.  And it will probably be back in the 70's/low 80's in a few days.  But it feels like Fall today.

It's been raining most of the day, mostly a slow rain but there have been a couple of harder rains.  I got caught in one at lunch.  I was in the car, fortunately, but I still had to deal with drivers who don't know what to do in good conditions!  But I like to get my Friday errands done on my lunch hour if at all possible, as Otter's last class on Friday seems to get out early frequently.

Today, I was just checking out at Wallyworld when she texted me that they were done.  At 4:15, the class is supposed to be over at 4:50.  This is the earliest it's been finished, so we got home much earlier than we thought.  Which is good, we've already finished up our last few chores and had dinner.  (Hamburgers!)  I usually take a book with me, and try to get to the college early in case she gets out sooner than normal.  But I really didn't want to sit in the cold today.  It was in the low 50's, but I managed to get enough rain on me to make me feel really cold.

Anyway, dinner.  Oh yeah, it was hamburgers.  It was pretty good, I cut mine up into 4ths so I could eat it easily since I'm sort-of one-sided at the moment.  We also had corn on the cob, but I donated mine to Bill.  I thought that might be pushing it just a little.  We also had ranch style beans, but they are fairly easy to eat on one side of my mouth.  I'm going to call the dentist 1st thing Monday morning and see if they can get me in.  If not Monday morning, I'll see about Tuesday afternoon.  When I talked to her yesterday morning, she said that they would try very hard to work me in if they didn't have any open appointments.

Yesterday was Blue & Green day, also known as Dad's birthday.  In his memory & honor, we always have peanut m&m's, which he called blues & greens.  I didn't eat mine yet, they are on hold until my filling is fixed.  Also, Otter was having some serious allergy issues yesterday so no chocolate for her!  Bill ate some of his, but he's mostly waiting until we can all enjoy them.  Dad would have already eaten all of them and more!  He had a major sweet tooth. :)  I really miss him, and also Mom.

I'm not sure how much rain we actually got, but my rain barrel was beginning to get fairly low.  I bought another package of mosquito dunks at the hardware store this week, it's about time to toss another one in there.  Also, we got our tulips while we were at the hardware store.  We don't want a repeat of the year we missed them, so we got them as soon as they were available.  Otter picked out 3 or 4 kinds, and we also got another type of daffodill, some crocus and hyacinth.  We will probably get them planted in about a month, more or less.  Depending on the weather.  The bed will need to be de-weeded and then treated for moles.  But the bulbs don't get planted until the ground is cooled off.

I guess that's all the thoughts I wanted to talk about today.

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