Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday Stuff

Not sure if I want to whine today or not.

The car is fixed, it wasn't cheap but the warranty covered a good amount.  But the 2 major problems are now fixed and it's now got good tired with a lot of tread.  So now we can get back to our rambling trips to wherever we feel like at the time.  And we can ramble farther!

The weather was really nice today, it was in the high 80's or thereabouts.  Slight breeze, a few clouds and lots of sunshine.  But my weather toes are hurting off & on today.  And so's my weather wrist.  I broke my left arm twice when I was a kid.  The left forearm first, and then 6 weeks after getting out of the cast I fell and broke the left wrist.  It's a family legend, by the way.  But the point is, the left wrist hurting generally means a bad weather change is **a'comin!  Not always, but frequently.  The weather toes ache usually means rain within the next day or two.  Since the Fair is starting tomorrow, I won't be surprised if there is rain even though the forecast is for dry weather.

I've had allergy issues the last couple of days.  Today, I have lost count of how many times I've sneezed.  I went through a whole box of kleenex at work today, so it's a lot.  Also, Otter ran out of her nighttime allergy medicine so I had to go get her another box.

I managed to get some crochet time in last night.  I started another scarf, probably it's going into my eventual sale pile.  I think.  I did the foundation chain and first row of stitches, but I'm not sure yet about the color combination order so I haven't started the second row yet.  It's in pink shades, not really bright pink but still pinks.  It's probably going to have a hat with it.

I also have my next donation project lined up.  I'm going to make Chemo Caps.  I had thought about that earlier, but I wanted to get the scarf/hat combos for the military donation done and shipped off first before I started another donation project.  I've been looking at patterns and groups, and I think I'm going to make hats for the Halos of Hope organization.

Otter is watching 3rd Rock from the Sun with her dad.  I keep hearing hysterical laughter coming from the living room.  It's a funny show.

OK, this is definitely not a Whining Wednesday!  Or a Wine Wednesday, since I never made it to the liquor store this afternoon.

**a'comin:  On the way, Texasspeak.

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