Monday, September 12, 2011

Mid-September Monday Stuff

I just looked at the calendar and realized that it's nearly the middle of September.  Already.  Wow.  I'm still thinking it should be August!  Actually, I think I'm still in about June.  By the time I catch up, it will be January! :)

We spent yesterday rearranging the office and moving furniture around.  We went to church, where we were 3 of the 8 people at the first service.  Then we came home and went to work!  Bill refinished the desk we bought for me a few months back at the yard sale in the neighborhood (the one we carried home in the trunk of my car - and outside the trunk of my car as well, at a very sloooooooow speed).  It's really nice.  It's smaller than what I had, but what I had was bigger than I wanted so Bill took the old one.  He had a very large corner "cubicle" style desk that was solid wood and weighed about a ton - or at least that is what it felt like when we were moving it.  He had to take it apart, which he's been doing as he had time since he's overworked lately.  We got all the de-construction done, then we moved most of the furniture, etc. out of the office and into the hall, our bedroom, laundry room, etc.  I vacuumed the office twice because it just needed it twice.  Then we got my old desk moved over to the opposite side of the room for Bill, and brought the new one in.  It's placed in a different direction, I am now facing the window instead of the wall that divides the office and Otter's room.

The next trick was to take Bill's old desk pieces out, re-assemble them in the driveway and then we moved some stuff out of the garage.  Otter's workbench which was really a small desk that is made from particle board and is very flimsy, and an old sewing machine in a cabinet which was from a very special Aunt of ours (anyone who knows Otter's real name knows how special this aunt was), and Mom also used it.  I've had the sewing machine for many years, Mom and Dad brought it to me probably about 4 years after we moved to OK and I did use it quite a bit.  But I haven't used it in many years, for one thing I simply do not have room for it.  Anyway, we put Bill's old desk in place of the sewing machine and Otter's work desk, and now she's got a large work area that is also very sturdy.  (And if Bill ever gets his junk moved out of the way, she can actually use it!). :)

Then we all came inside and collapsed, complaining about sore muscles the entire time.  None of us are afraid of hard work, but that desk was heavy!

I've been having really bad problems with my stupidleftknee.  The right one's not the best but it's the better of the two.  The left one has been giving me fits lately.  I spent several evenings last week with heat on it, and also taking motrin since that helps better than anything else.  It's not anything new, it's just worse lately.  I've been to the doctor about it, it's just the knee issue I inherited from Dad (and Otter inherited from me).  It's fixable to an extent, but it would basically mean a knee replacement and I'm not in hurry for that.  I've done the research, and a knee replacement (or at least like I'd be needing) is good for 10 years - if you are extremely lucky.  After that, it would need to be replaced again.  I'm 49, so do the math and you can probably figure out why I'm not there yet.  Also, the physical therapy is intense and it can be pretty hard to get through.  I know someone who has the same type of problems I do, she has it with both knees.  She had one done and then had to have it re-done within a couple of months because it just didn't "take."  She still has problems, even after the second replacement, and she said it's really not all that much better.  I don't think she's going to get the other knee done, based on the first knee she had done.  So, for now at least, I just whine and gripe about my stupidleftknee.

Frasier is keeping my company.  He's been jumping the baby gate every time I'm back in the office.  He sits beside me while I work at my desk and he usually falls asleep.  He's been getting up every so often, putting his head up under my arm and then he belches.  Every time.  I have no idea why, but I do not want to know what that dog's been eating!  Maggie can't quite make it over the baby gate, she has a couple of times but she's been really scared about something and managed to get over it.  But she usually won't even try.  But she apparently gets lonely, because she'll sit on the other side of the gate and whine.  Occasionally, she'll bark.  Then, if that doesn't get the response she wants, she'll talk.  She's a very vocal pooch.  Personally, I think that Frasier is just escaping from his little sister.  And, being a little sister myself, I have to say that I see where he's coming from on that!

There is a reason why Froggy chose "Froggy" as her blog name, after all.  Although Toadles (our big brother) had a lot to do with that before I showed up).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You get the blame more than Toadles. I completely understand why Frasier needs a break from Maggie. Froggy