Thursday, September 01, 2011

September Already

Wow, it's September already.  7 months ago today, we were up to our eyeballs in snow and ice.  Today, it's 105 and we had a heat warning.  What a difference a few months makes.  In just a couple more months, we'll probably be remembering the warm weather and complaining about the cold.

Frasier is spending most of his time this evening snoozing.  Well, he does that anyway.  But tonight, the big goof is on the floor of the office.  Between my chair and Otter's.  He's been jumping the baby gate on a regular basis, and he always comes to wherever I am.  I went to bed before Billyboy last night, and realized shortly after that there was a big, furry spot on the floor next to the bed, on my side.  When Bill came to bed, I was still awake so I mentioned to him that the dog was there.  The last thing I wanted to deal with was Bill walking into the dog!  So Bill talked to Frasier to let the dog know that he was there, and the dog did what he's been doing lately:  stood up, stretched, wagged his tail at Bill and then moseyed on out of the bedroom.  He does that sort of thing on a regular basis, it's almost like the changing of the guard or something!  Dog's protective of me, that's for sure.

Maggie Moo is not allowed on this side of the baby gate because she forgets her manners.  So, she curls up as close to the baby gate as she can get.  And then she goes to sleep.  She does that when we're all in the living room as well, but at night she might start out there but she doesn't stay.  She migrates to the love seat, where she is NOT allowed but knows that she's got all night to sleep in soft, fluffy comfort before anybody makes her get down.  She usually gets down a few minutes before anybody actually gets up, we can hear her collar jingling so we know when she's off the furniture.  Sometimes, Frasier will sleep in Maggie's spot by the baby gate, but he also sleeps right in the doorway/entrance from the hall to the living room.  Where nobody can miss him, which is probably the idea since he wants to be fed as soon as we get up!

Now that the weather is cooler (mostly, today and tomorrow was/are hot), the pepper plants are beginning to produce again.  I'm so glad that we decided not to dump them after all.  There are a few jalepenos now and the bell pepper has plenty of blooms.  I guess we'll have a fall container garden this year.

Flu shots tomorrow!  Then, we'll have our traditional reward for getting a shot:  ice cream!  Bluebell brand this year, but I bought two cartons.  Strawberry Cheesecake is one and the other one is Vanilla.  We're also going to get fajitas on the way home, we like to do something special/fun for Friday night dinner.  I hope that the RedHead Curse does not make an appearance this year, see last year's entry for the details!  It's one of the posts under the label Red Hair on the side bar.  Also, I'm hoping for a mild reaction this year.  I usually feel bad for the evening and sometimes the next morning, but last year's was not the normal reaction.  I felt cruddy all weekend and into Monday.  But that's the exception, usually it's a short reaction.  I have my motrin in my purse already, as soon as I pick the Otter up at college we're going to each take a dose and then head to Walgreen's for the shots.  Then, we'll go get the fajitas.

Fajitas!  Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait until the hot weather is a memory. We still have plenty of hot weather left. September can be as hot as August here.
I am thinking about a flu shot. KID3 says it is a good idea since I am in so many schools subbing. If I do it it will be next Friday so I have the weekend if I need it. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Take motrin, tylenol, aspririn (one of them, not all!) about an hour before the shot if you can. It helps. I strongly suggest the flu shot for everyone, and since we have asthma it's a necessity. You might not have a reaction, but a Friday is a good idea just in case.