Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's Wednesday...

But I can't think of a reason to whine.

I got my crown replaced, the dentist worked me in Monday morning and she did the filling.  Then, she was able to replace the crown.  So it only cost me $70, as opposed to what it would have cost to get the crown replaced as well.  The crown will need to be replaced at some point, I was thinking she was only going to have to replace it because it would be destroyed during the process to remove it for the filling.  But the crown itself will need to be replaced at some point, it's probably over 20 years old and it's had a lot of wear & tear in that time.  But, because it came off like it did, I've probably got as long as 5 years before it will need to be replaced now.  She did some work on it, reinforced it and so forth, so it's almost as good as new.  I also think it fits better, I never thought it was in at exactly the right angle before.  I'm not sure exactly which dentist put it in, but I think it was the one we only went to for a very short time because he simply wasn't very good.

I didn't have to get any additional shots during the filling, but she did give me a little more novocaine than most people need.  Redheads metabolize that stuff fast, and she remembered that fact before she even got started.

I could whine about the fact that I have not had time to crochet this week, but that seems to be the way my weeks go lately.

I think I'll go see about fixing that problem now.

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