Monday, March 12, 2012

Birthdays and Beffdays

Today's March 12.  It would have been Mom's 88th birthday.  I didn't make a peach cobbler, but I did think about her all day long.

Because Mom loved animals so much, we decided that the dog's "beffday" would be today.  (We don't have dog parties, it's just a fun way to remember Mom).

She also loved babies.  I don't think that there was ever a baby she was able to walk by, without stopping to hold it.

The dogs?  Well, they got treats.  They got a particular type of dental chew bone that we get them sometimes.  And a couple of pieces of uncooked spaghetti.  And Maggie got a bath!

Maggie would probably have preferred not to get a birthday bath, but she was kind of smelly.  Now, she's a clean dog.  She was also a crazy dog, after the bath.  Frasier was not as playful, but he did look amused as he watched her zoom around and around and around and around...  When he got tired of her craziness, he started grooming her.  Which caused her to immediately fall over in the floor and not move until he was through.

And the entire time, I was thinking about how both of my parents would have been laughing at the crazy dogs.


Anonymous said...

I always made an apple pie for mom on her birthday. The last few years it was sugar free. So this year I bought a frozen apple pie and am having it today, one day late. She would laugh about it being 1 day late. She did love babies and they loved her right back. Froggy

Alexandra said...

Your mother was the kind of mother I would have loved to have! Anyone that loves babies and animals has got to be a very special person. Happy birthday to's still a special day to celebrate even if she has gone home. :)

Otter Mom said...

Alexandra, thank you so much for saying that.