Thursday, March 01, 2012

This & That Thursday

This is my Presidential candidate:

The One I'm Voting For

We don't really expect Santorum to make it all the way, but we are hoping that he will.  We are not comfortable with Romney's record, he's not really Pro-Life although he claims to be.  We don't like Ron Paul at all, he's an isolationist and anti-Israel.  I'm not sure if he's pro-death or Pro-Life, but we don't like most of his other stands on things so it is kind of a moot point.  Gingrich has the potential to be a good President, but we don't think he's got enough of a following to become the Republican candidate.

We feel, and Bill said this months ago - and I've heard Gigrich say this as well as Rush Limbaugh and a couple of others, that the liberals want Romney to be the candidate because they know he's probably too divisive to actually beat obama.  (No respect = no capital letters).  Each time there has been a viable, strong, conservative candidate who really could win - he's attacked in the press and the feeding frenzy starts.  Cain wasn't the first one, but he was probably the one who was attacked the strongest - after all, if he were the candidate then there's no way that the liberals could claim racism.  Which they have done and will continue to do, especially if their chosen one doesn't get re-elected. We would have voted for Herman Cain, if we'd had the opportunity.  Gingrich has said that he will not drop out, he's in it until the end even though the liberal forces are marshaled against him.  Santorum is currently being attacked, the ads are really ramping up and I expect them to continue.

We're part of Super Tuesday, although Oklahoma is not an open primary state.  Which means that if you aren't registerd with a party, you don't get to vote in the primary.  We don't agree with that, but it's the way it is.  So, I'm the only one who can actually vote next week.  That's also the only reason I am registered as a Republican.  We are all extremely conservative, and our voting reflects that, but none of us like to be labeled to a particular party.

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