Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Only Tuesday?

It feels like it should be at least Thursday.  Maybe even Friday.  Not only Tuesday.

I didn't forget about Texas Independence!  I knew I wouldn't have enough time on Friday.  I had planned on something Sunday.  But the weekend got kind of derailed, and I just never quite got there.  It wasn't the weekend we had planned, obviously!

But, while I'm on the subject, Texas:  Always on my mind, like the song says.  Texas is and always will be a part of us.  We take Texas with us wherever we go.

Otter's better, she stayed home today and because she was still having asthma symptoms Bill stayed home with her.  She's still having some asthma symptoms, but she's shown a lot of improvement today.  She had some real problems last night.  Otter is a redhead and is very much her mother's daughter, so she had a nosebleed.  It wasn't a horribly big one, but it was big enough.  She was very stuffy afterwards, so she used Vick's and took an allergy pill.  Along with having to use her rescue inhaler several times yesterday.  She also had a steam treatment at one point yesterday evening.  She's still somewhat stuffy and her voice is a little rough, but she's over the bulk of the flu symptoms.  The asthma could last for a couple of days still.  She's planning on going to classes tomorrow, and I'll get her at my lunch hour and bring her home for the afternoon.

I voted this afternoon.  I didn't think I'd have enough time this morning, so I waited until after work.  But considering that I was only # 149 at nearly 4:00, I probably wouldn't have had to deal with much of a line.  And yes, I did vote for Santorum.

It's really windy today.  This time of year in this part of the country, wind is a normal occurance.  But it's really strong today, probably a lot stronger than normal.  Driving was an adventure today!  I literally nearly got blown off my feet when I was walking to the door of the polling place.

It's also very dry and dusty, which is not helping anything.  Bill thinks that he could probably make a sail for the beagle, but I don't think she'd even need that.  Not with those ears!

Frasier would probably just stand and watch her, and wave at her as she sailed away!

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