Monday, March 26, 2012

Chirpy Monday

It's Monday.  The birds are chirping.

Especially a cardinal that was outside the window, he was chirping up a storm.  I think he was actually looking for bugs to eat, but he was chirping while he was at it.

This is the hyacinth that Otter planted in the tulip bed, along with the frilly daffodils I planted. 

A couple of the tulips, from above.

More tulips, along with the violets that I'm only leaving in because they have finally figured out that blooming means they don't get yanked out!

A few violets.  They are actually very pretty.  There are a few little weedish things in there, but I'm not inclined to spend a lot of time out there, working in the dirt.  Not while my allergies are trying to kick in!

Yesterday, I spent a few minutes on the business end of my tree trimming tool, just a couple of small limblets on one tree that Bill planted a couple of years ago.  I don't know what it was specifically that set me off, but I had to run take a shower almost immediately because something made me itchy.  All over and B.A.D.

Otter enjoyed the movie, she and her friend were sugared up and caffienated when I picked them up.  They had a good time.  Otter said that the movie stuck to the book for the most part, there were a few minor changes but not anything bad.

One of the things I managed to get done today was to go to the grocery store.  And order a cake.  I'm going to pick it up Friday morning, then probably bring it home on my lunch hour.  I'm going to have to rearrange everything in the refrigerator to get it to fit!  And then I'm going to be mean and not let Otter actually see it until Saturday morning.  I'll probably even make her wait until after breakfast!  (She wants waffles for her birthday breakfast).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the flower pictures Froggy