Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Um, It's the first day of Spring?

OK, I guess so.  But it's been cool today, and very wet.  The very wet part of the equation actually started yesterday, and we've had records rains.  I'm not sure what the rainfall total is but there was a lot of water that came down.

I had to drive home in it yesterday, while I've driven in worse storms I can honestly say that it wasn't fun!  Mostly, because I got soaked getting back in the car from my one fast errand on the way home.  Umbrellas are great, but getting back in the car with rain coming at you in 3 directions at once makes it impossible to stay dry even with an umbrella.  And then getting the umbrella folded up and back in the car is also impossible to do without getting lots and lots of water inside the car (and on me) as well.

Froggy had a taste of our type of spring weather last night.  She is in SA but she was in the firing line of the tornadic storms mentioned in the link above.  Neither one of us can even begin to imagine what Dad would have said, but it's possible that he would have changed the subject and refused to discuss it - tornados were always his main talking point in trying to get me/us to move back Home.  But seriously, the storms in S. Texas were bad but could have been so much worse.

On this first day of spring, the Tulsa area had a rattling experience.  But it wasn't an earthquake!  Around 3:15 or so this morning, there was a very long thunder roll that apparently shook enough houses and windows that most people thought it was an earthquake.  We slept through it, but 99.9% of the rest of the people that live in this area were awakened.  Apparently, it was what is called a Super Strike.  The lightning wasn't extremely bad and the thunder wasn't as loud as it sometimes gets, but it was long and intense.  Or so we've been told, since none of us were awake!

Otter's annual lung recheck is tomorrow.  I'm going to take her to lunch after her doctor's appointment.  She wants pizza, so I think we're going to Cici's.  I don't expect her to have anything but a good report tomorrow.  Except for the flare caused by the flu, she's had very little asthma to deal with in many months.  In fact, when she has allergies now, she almost never has an asthma spell.

Wish I could be so lucky!

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