Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rainy Thursday Stuff

Well, you can probably tell by the title that it rained today.  No surprise there, I think it's rained every day this week.  We might get a rain-free day tomorrow, then the weekend should be nice.  By nice, I mean back in the 70's and not in the 50/60 range that we've had for the first week of Spring.  And dry, no rain in sight for a few days.  The usual weather pattern has been that it stops raining when I am inside, either at home or at work.  But the minute I step outside, the skies open up again.  That pattern held true today, especially when Otter and I hit the grocery store!  The store we prefer has drive-up service, they have a covered area and will bring the groceries there for the shoppers and then load them into the car.  We don't usually do the drive-up, but we did today because it was raining.  We managed to get it all out of the car and into the house in record time, too.  Of course, it quit raining as soon as we got it all inside...

Froggy asked about Otter's job opportunities with an English degree.  Instead of answering with a comment, I thought it would be easier to just answer her here.  Among other things, and English degree is very helpful for any type of journalism field, as well as writing (as in being an author, something else that Otter probably has in her future no matter where she ends up).  Her plan will still be to become a librarian, she just would have to go about it as a "going back to school" situation after (hopefully) getting a job in a library system.  It's fairly common to do that, based on what I've been told by many of the local librarians.  Especially with the fact that there really is only one school in this state that offers the actual Librarian degree program.  And we've already discussed why that is not an option for us.

OK, Froggy said that I can tell her news, so here goes:  She's moving to Austin!  Crazy Uncle took a job in Austin, it was a contract job for 6 months but it turned into an offer of a permanent job with a very well-known company and it's a very good job.  They have a spectacular relocation program, among other benefits.  So, he's working in Austin and living in temporary housing but Froggy was staying in SA because they have a house there and didn't want to do anything permanent until they knew for sure that Crazy Uncle had a secure job.  Which is what happened.  It's happening fast, and there is a lot happening.  Froggy has her hands more than full, but I think it's going to work out great for them - provided that Froggy doesn't work herself into exhaustion with all the details she has to attend to!  They will be putting their home in SA on the market, sometime in the near future but not yet obviously.  After they get moved, all of "my" side of the family will be gone from SA.  That is going to be kind of strange.

Obviously, "we" will still have family there but "I" won't.  If you know what I mean!

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