Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Shaves

There is a strange man in my house.

He sounds like Bill and he's about the same size.  He looks the same from the nose up.  But the lower half of his face looks totally different.

There is also a pile of fluffy hair in the bathroom trash can.  Lots of grey!

I wonder if there's a connection between the two?

Time change today.  I guess we all know my opinion already, but this about sums it up:

It's raining today.  It was actually supposed to start yesterday, but yesterday was dry.  It was a little breezy, but not a bad day.  But we woke up to rain this morning.  Just hard enough to be messy and to mess up my outside plans, which included some work on the spot in front where I'd like to make a raised bed.  Bill (or whomever he is!) was going to mow the back yard this morning, but that's been put off as well.  So's the beagle wash, most likely.  That won't wait too much longer, dog needs a bath!

Otter seemed to be recovering from the flu, but she's not feeling the best this morning.  I think she's mostly having allergy issues today, but coming right on the heels of the flu & asthma spell is not good.  She had a few issues yesterday as well.  Not bad, but just not good either.

I did manage to get some crochet in yesterday.  It was wonderful!  I did a couple of rows on the scarf-turned-lap-blanket.  And now, my elbow hurts.  The other elbow!  It's been bothering me a bit, since I've been using my left arm instead of my right arm and I'm not surprised.  But that is the nature of tendonitis.  It's better, just still has a little more time to go.  My left arm was bothering me before I picked up the yarn and hook, but I think it probably did aggravate it.  Which was not unexpected.

I have a few projects to work on today, there are a couple of things that I need/want to to do that are indoor projects.  For one, I need to clean out all my craft paint.  Since I've pretty much quit crafts that involve paint (because I've done just about all of them by now), I really don't need much (if any) acrylic paint.  I'm going to go through what I have and see if I want to keep any of it, or if Otter has a use for it.  But considering that most of it is probably dried up, I'm thinking that it's mostly going to be trashed.  Most of the bottles were nearly empty anyway, the last time I was into any of it.  So, if they do get tossed I'm not really wasting paint.  I can also use the room on my shelf.

Wow, the sun just came out!  Guess we'd better enjoy it while it lasts, because I think we're probably going to be rained on all day.

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