Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Seasons

The seasons are changing around here.  Well, actually it never really was winter except on the calendar!  It's not officially spring for a few more days yet, but spring has already sprung in the NE corner of OK.  The birds are out and about, and they seem to be looking for nesting material.  Most things are already blooming, including my redbud tree, Otter's tulips, just about everything that we are allergic to and the bluebonnet in the whiskey barrel has a bud.

I changed out our bedding a couple of weeks ago, the camo quilt Bill made is now back in the chest where all the other blankets are and the colorful quilt Bill made is back on the bed.  I turned off the humidifier last week and put it away, and we started using the fans in the bedroom Friday night.  Otter put her comforter bedspread in the laundry room while ago, she's now using the lighter quilt that I made for her (over a period of many years).  Bill's had to mow twice already.

Which is why he's in trouble today, because he promised me that he did NOT need to to point out any of the wild/surprise bluebonnets that sprung up.  Guess what he mowed over?  He is denying responsibility, but it wasn't his evil twin!

We've also had the air conditioner on, Bill turned it on a couple of days ago.  It's not particularly warm, but my asthma triggers easily this time of year and cool air helps.

Otter's on Spring Break this coming week.  Her plans including sleeping as late as she can, watching as much tv as she can and eating as much junk food as she can.  Sounds like a good plan, actually.  Although I'd probably change the junk food part of it to chocolate!  She also is going to the doctor this week, for her annual lung recheck.  When I made the appointment, I mentioned the flu and the clerk told me to make sure we tell the technician that will do the pulmonary function test.  Even though it's been two weeks, it could still affect the way Otter breathes and the p.f. test can be hard on the lungs on a good day.

My dishwasher decided that it'd had enough, one day last week.  It had been going out for a while, frankly I was surprised it lasted as long as it did.  It had a few years of use before it became ours when we bought the house, and we used it a LOT.  I'm not in a hurry to replace it.  I will probably eventually, just not yet.  A lot of it depends on my skin.  My skin used to be pretty bad in terms of sensitivity and allergies, so a dishwasher was actually a medical necessity for me.  But it's been a lot better the last few years, so I'm not going to run out and buy a new dishwasher immediately.  The last one we bought was for the rent house while we were still living there, and it was actually the 2nd one we'd had to buy for that house.

It's cloudy and windy today.  Otter came in from her outside chore (cleaning up the things the dogs leave in their yard) and she commented that it was time to weigh the beagle down, because the wind was so strong.  We could get rain, possibly starting tonight, and lasting over the next couple of days.  If I get around to it, and it's a maybe, I might get the rake/hoe and see about the area in front that I might make into a raised flower bed.  I'm not sure about the raised part, but at least a bed of some sort.  It's right in front of the windows and is a low-light area.  I planted hostas there a few years back and they were doing great, spreading out like they do and looked wonderful.  Until last year's extreme heat and dryness.  It takes a lot to kill hosta plants, but they don't seen to be coming back this year.  I'm thinking that I'm going to level off the area a little bit and then see what I come up with.  I'm thinking of some type of edge barrier, but I haven't figured out what I want yet.  It needs to look good with the sandstone the house is made from.  I'm also going to hit the area heavily with the orange cleaner Otter and I got at the dollar store while ago.  The neighbor across the street from us has cats, and they seem to think that right outside of Otter's window is a good place to be their litter box.  Orange spray does work, we just haven't put it out lately and the cats seem to be coming back.  I might not actually get anything planted out there this year, I haven't found anything that I like that will work in a low light area.  I love hostas, but I'm not sure if I want to put them out there again or go with something else.

Froggy, I can't believe you almost forgot about the rocks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told both the realters that the rocks were going with us. We will pick one of the realters this week. So I would have thought about the rocks before we moved. Froggy