Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Busy As A...

Bee!  (Isn't the bee lovely?  She's just gorgeous. No, I am not being sarcastic.)

It's not just me.  Otter's in the thick of things as far as college goes, finals and the end of her first year are looming.  Actually, she's already had one final.  It was in the form of a research paper and she finished hers up Monday so it's been submitted and she's through with that particular class.  The rest are next week.

She'll have about 3 weeks off, before starting the summer semester.  She's not a math whiz, she is very much her mother's daughter in that regard.  So she's decided to take her math class in the summer when she won't have any other classes to worry about.  She'll be in school all of June and July, then she'll have about 3 weeks off before the fall semester will start.  Somewhere in there, she's going to spend a week in TEXAS with Bill's mom.  We had originally planned on the final two wisdom teeth being removed during the summer break, but I don't think that's going to be possible so we'll have to figure something out about that.

I'm going to try to get her in to the dentist for a cleaning & x-ray to get the judgement on the wisdom teeth, sometime between the end of this term and the start of the summer term.  When she had the oral surgery last August, the dentist thought that we were looking at about a year before the top two would be ready.  Which would put it right at the beginning of the fall semester.  The dentist wasn't really sure that they would be ready by then anyway, that's something that is different for everyone and I didn't expect her to be able to tell last year anyway.  If they are going to be ready, we will probably wind up waiting until just a little later like after the semester starts and then she might have to miss a day or two but we won't know yet until she sees the dentist and also gets her fall semester enrollment finished.  Fall enrollment has just opened, she's going to get it done soon but probably not until after finals.  So we can't really plan anything anyway.

Also, on the winged things with stingers front:  One of my birdhouses that sit on the back window had a colony of wasps starting a nest in it.  Early Tuesday morning, before it got light out, Bill put the birdhouse in a paper sack and then we wrapped it in a heavy, black trash bag along with a few other birdhouses that were falling apart and we put it out with the trash.  If it had been actual bees and not wasps, we would have slowly moved it to a better spot besides right outside the back door.  But wasps, hornets (we've had a few) and yellow jackets are not allowed.

Otter's jalepeno seeds have decided to sprout!  I think that most of them are up now, some of them are two plants in one spot.  We're going to transplant them into pots in the next couple of days.  I was beginning to think that it had been too long, but Bill didn't think it had been long enough so we waited a few more days.  I'm glad we did.

Hope that they survive and produce fruit.  It looks to be another S. TEXAS summer on the way.  Oh, joy!

And Otter will be in S. TEXAS in early August.  When it's at it's worst there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of the bee. We have not had any hornets yet this year, hopefully we caulked all the spaces under the eaves that they liked. I have seen a few bees and hope to see many more of them.
Otter will have to spend a lot of time in the pool when she is here, or in the mall shopping.