Sunday, August 19, 2012

Foggy Sunday

We got rain yesterday!  Lots of it, or at least it lasted for a few hours although I'm not sure of the measurement.  But it was enough to make it very foggy this morning.  I'm not going to complain about a little fog.  We needed the rain too badly to gripe about fog.  We still could use more rain, but yesterday's rain was slow and steady.

We have a new vaccuum, much to Frasier's disgust.  Frasier thinks that we could just do without one so that he wouldn't have to deal with it.  But since he's the reason the last one conked out, we are not listening to him.  Actually, the last one didn't die entirely due to BigDog and his long fur.  But I'm sure that it didn't help.  We had one that we'd had forever, which we pretty much used until it just quit from old age.  About the same time, a couple of years ago, somebody left one behind in rental property that my younger boss owned.  It was a good one, but he had no use for it so he gave it to me.  It had not had really regular maintenance and had probably never been cleaned properly, but it worked and I needed one at the time.  We ran this one until it finally quit, which was a couple of weeks ago.  Bill took it apart and cleaned it, but it just wasn't picking anything up.  So I borrowed the one we use at work but we really needed to just go buy one.  That's been the discussion the past several days, which brand & style.  We finally got busy this morning and did the research then went to Wallyworld and found one that we liked.  I used it as soon as we got it home and that's when I realized that the one we replaced had probably never really worked well and we should have most likely just bought a new one when we got it.  Major dog hair!  And a whole lot of dirt that has probably been in the carpet for a while.  Frasier doesn't seem to like the new one any more than he liked the old one, but at least he just went and stood in the kitchen instead of running outside!

Movie Review:  The Lorax.  It was better than we expected, but it certainly had an Agenda.  Which we expected.  It was cute, predictable and funny but we would have been disappointed if we'd seen in at the theater.

Froggy, your scarf is finished.  To a point.  The crochet part is done, I just have to get the fringe on it.  That won't take too long, I just have to find the time to actually do it.

I really wish that the vet wasn't taking this coming week for his vacation.  It's getting difficult to keep Frasier from licking the spot on his leg.  He's sneaky.  I also think he's realized that if he does it and I see him, he'll get attention from me.  So, when he wants his ears or chin scratched, he'll get right where I see him and then he'll look at me before he commenced to licking/chewing.  Staring at me all the while!  He knows he'll get my attention and that I'll give him some affection to keep his mind off of his leg.  Dog's smart, that's for sure.  Maggie Moo?  Well, she's not the sharpest crayon in the box but she is sweet and good-natured.  And stinky, she's probably going to get a bath this afternoon.

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