Monday, August 06, 2012

Grass Fires & Stinky Dogs

The dog part first:  They both smell, but in different ways!  Maggie Moo needed her usual treatment that we refer to as squishing - also known as getting the glands cleaned out again.  In other words, her butt got squashed.  She smelled strange afterwards, the vet uses something that I think is supposed to smell floral but it doesn't quite suceess.  Now, she's just gassy but I think that's a side effect from the procedure.  Frasier isn't gassy, but he does have "dog breath" and he likes to share it with me whenever he can.

Frasier was due for his rabies shot, and the vet also checked the spot on his leg.  He wants to take it off.  He thinks he can do it without a full-blown anesthesia, but it still won't be cheap.  So, we're going to have to think about it.  It's not bothering the dog, but if it ruptures it could be a vector for infection.  But he's certain that it is not cancer or anything like that, for which I'm very thankful.

There was a family that was bringing a dog in when I was waiting for Frasier and Maggie's turn and it was hard to watch them, because I'm pretty sure that the dog was not going to be leaving.  There were two little girls and they were so heartbroken, it just about broke my heart to see them.  They were young, maybe in the range of 6 to 8 years old.  The vet and his staff were so good with them, but it was still just so sad.  I had to give Frasier a few extra hugs when we got into the exam room - Frasier is a huggy dog, at least with me.

Bill's working a b(oring)oard meeting tonight.  So, the dogs and I are playing on the computer for a while.  Well, I am.  They are mostly snoozing.  I closed up all the doors and removed the baby gate so that they can come back to the office with me.  Maggie is asleep under the chair, but Frasier hasn't quite made it back here yet.  I wanted to keep an eye on Maggie, she wasn't acting like she was feeling good this morning and it was probably just the glands needed to be cleaned out but I need to watch her for a while.  She's got her feet propped on/under the wheels on my chair so I can't move.  She might have wanted me to be immobilized - that way, she's always in belly rub range!

There have been some serious grass fires in Oklahoma over the last few days.  It's so horribly dry and the small amount of rain we got Saturday was no where near the areas that were burning.  West & Northwest of Tulsa were hit really bad.  Many, many people have lost their homes.  It's about as bad as it gets, so please pray for them.  In some cases, the only reason people were able to get out of their homes was because the volunteer firefighters were literally knocking on doors just minutes ahead of the flames because the fires were moving so fast.

Otter's still enjoying her vacation.  I talked to her last night and for a few minutes this morning.  I'm still jealous!  But I'm glad she was able to go.

If you leave me a comment and don't see it, don't panic!  Blogger hasn't told me about the last few, I've found them waiting to be approved when I signed in to post.  I'm going to check the settings again, but the last time I checked the settings it was supposed to email me when a comment has been left and I didn't change that.  But it isn't telling me.

Froggy, you were going to give me the info on the sewing machine.  Style, price, etc.  I'm interested in it.

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