Friday, August 31, 2012


Or, in my native language (TEXAN), Teeeiiiirred!

It's been a long day.  My days normally start between 5:00 and 5:15 a.m., but today started at 4:45.  When I was awakened by a beagle, with her face & feet on the side of the bed.  She was whining.  This is not normal behavour for her and she is blocked from getting back to our bedroom anyway.  So, I got up and checked - expecting that I had a sick dog or something, but what apparently happened is that the dog block fell over and Maggie wasn't sure what to do!  It sometimes falls, it gets bumped by feet when we go over it and it gets a little loose.  I think that one dog or the other probably leaned on it, and it fell.  Since it was nearly time for the alarm, I just stayed up.

Frasier had his adventure at the vet today.  He's a sad puppy.  Mostly, he's a sad puppy because he has to wear a Cone of Shame!  I'll post pictures on Sunday.  We took Maggie with us when we took him, it was not possible to get one dog in the leash and out the door without the other one so they both went.  Maggie was happy to get there, which is odd, and happy to go in the door.  Frasier was fine, he wasn't sure what was going on when they took him from me.  We waited until he was out of sight, then we left and Maggie was still happy.  We took her back home, then I dropped Otter off at college and went to work.  I got Otter at lunch and brought her home, then she texted me a picture later of a moping beagle.  Apparently, Maggie Moo missed her brother today.

When I picked Frasier up, he was in his cone already and had been wearing it since shortly after the procedure because he started trying to lick/chew at the spot almost immediately.  Which didn't surprise me one bit.  They gave him a pain shot and I have pain pills for him to take the next few days.  He goes back on the 10th of September for stitch removal.  It was a pretty big place, it was the size of a golf ball without exaggeration.  So, he's got a pretty long incision and shaved area.  He ran into a few walls and door frames, but he's calmed down now.  We have been letting him out through the door instead of the dog door, he can't quite get through it with the cone on.  He's been out to relieve himself and then he had a problem trying to get water so I took the cone off and stood in the kitchen with him while he drank and drank and drank...  Then the cone went back on and he is dealing better than I thought.  But we'll see how he does over the weekend, I think he's going to take some serious watching and I'm thinking that they might get a walk tomorrow.  That way, he can be without the cone for a while.  That depends on if he acts like he's in any pain.  He has flopped down in the floor a couple of times, I think he actually napped once.  Then, he's back up and giving me the sad puppy face!

I did manage to get a little Fenton thinning done.  Otter and I dusted the Fenton and the living room in general.  I decided to donate both Fenton shoes and a "bucket" piece.  I'm not sure if I'm going to get rid of any more of it or not, probably not at this point.

Otter and I are also talking about attending the State Fair this year.  We went two years ago and it wasn't very good, then we skipped last year.  But we might go this year.  To be determined later, it's at the end of September and early October.  If we do go, it will probably be on the last day which is a Sunday.  That's actually a better day to go, the rides are usually discounted and the vendors usually have a lot of discounts.  We'll decide a little closer.  Bill doesn't usually go, the walking is too much for him and his feet since he's usually on them all week long at work.  Also, he doesn't care for the crowds.  He doesn't care if we go and he knows he's always invited, but he usually doesn't go.

We got more rain than I thought we would, from Tropical Storm Isaac.  It was supposed to start raining last night, but it was dry this morning and the radar looked like maybe it was going to miss us.  But it started raining just as we were taking the dogs this morning and it continued for most of the morning.  Then the sun came out and it got warm & humid, then we had extremely dark clouds and a little shower.  I don't think we'll get any more rain from Isaac.


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