Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sunday Coneheads

(Grossness ahead!)  Well, I don't think it's particularly gross but then I'm not particularly squeamish.  So, in case you are:  pictures 1 and 2 are safe.  3 and 4 are the "grossness" in this.

The Conehead in the title is Frasier!

This was right after we got him home on Friday.  They had to use an extra long cone, since he could reach the spot with a normal sized cone.  This is actually an extra large cone and it's adjusted down to it's smallest size.  I'm almost afraid to image the dog that it would fit!  It would probably be the size of a horse or elephant.  Frasier's a big dog, but he's not that big!  Although he did seem to think he was a lapdog earlier, he tried to sit in my lap when I was sitting on the floor - all 70+ pounds of him!

Closer shot of a sad puppy face.

Sorry this is sideways!  This is the spot where the golf ball sized growth was.  The vet shaved a square area.

There's a little bruising showing up now, it looks grody but it's not as bad "in person" as it kind of looks in the pictures.  The place that was removed was just so darn big that the incision is fairly long.  Frasier's Golf Ball

Frasier's actually done pretty good.  I spent Friday night on the couch, which is pretty comfortable for naps but not for extended periods of sleep.  Not that I actually had much sleep!  Frasier needed his mom a few times in the night - I woke up more than once because I had a large dog head leaning on me and there was a plastic cone on the dog at the time!  He didn't act like it was an intense pain, but I'm sure that it was tender and probably hurt a little.  They gave him a pain shot before I picked him up and I've been giving him his pain pills.  They make him a little sleepier than normal, but he seems to feel pretty good for the most part.  He spent most of yesterday napping, he normally takes several naps anyway but he definitely seemed to sleep more and deeper than normal.  (Since it was Saturday, he's not the only one who took an afternoon nap!)

The cone has not been on him all the time.  It's been on him at night, but if we're in the room with him we've been leaving it off.  It's been off when he eats and drinks, and most of the times he's been outside but someone is with him the whole time.  He's only tried to lick the spot a couple of times, the cone goes back on him right away even if we're staying in the room with him.  Like now, Bill just had to put it back on him because he thought he was out of Bill's sight!

Frasier grooms Maggie a lot.  She likes it, she'll manuever herself to where her ears, belly, whatever are in front of him and then he'll groom her.  He cornered her earlier today, for a forced ear groooming.  He had the cone on at the time, she was kind of squished up inside of it!  She was not amused, but we were.  It was kind of funny.

I am really glad that tomorrow is a holiday.  Not that I will get to sleep in, I have gotten up early the last couple of mornings to feed the dogs.  Frasier can't eat with the cone on, and he also can't fit out the dog door so I have been staying in the kitchen while they eat and then making sure he gets outside (with supervision) and then back inside.

The plan for today included pulling both the couch and the love seat out so that I could vacuum behind them, but we haven't gotten that far yet.  Bill did some cleaning out in the garage, which was mostly just some wood that he didn't need.  It was shelving, etc., that he got for free and used a lot of with the pachinko machines but he had a bunch that was either too small or odd shaped so it got moved to the wood pile.  It will still burn, if we ever get winter.

I'm pretty sure that I have a bunch of baby blues coming up in the whiskey barrel.  Bill noticed them when he was mowing Thursday, and I noticed them yesterday.  He was pretty sure that they were bluebonnets, the initial leaves don't look like they do when they are bigger but they are still unique.  The normal pattern is that the plant goes to seed after blooming, then the seeds lie dormant for several months until the next spring.  But that's in TEXAS, where they don't get a lot of rain during the dormant months.  This is not the first year that they've come up in the late summer, I've even had them come up in the winter before.  This crop might actually have enough time to make it to the bloom stage, we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.  There are several and probably still several seeds that are dormant.  Wild Blues!  I have also transplanted them into pots when they came up at the wrong time.  They don't spread out as far as normal and look funny, but they are still bluebonnets and are still special.  If I have to do that this time, then I will.

I'm also wondering how long the hummingbirds will be here.  I'll keep the feeders out as long as I see them and then for a while after that, in case of any that need a snack during their migration south.  The ones I have now are fun to watch, there are three birds but only two feeders and they have a lot of spats.  Gotta watch out for the little needlebeaks!

Bill saw a preview for a tv show in the fall season.  He thinks it's the same TEXAS hog-hunters.  The real ones, not the wannabes.  Hope so, it was a good show and we enjoyed it.  But I'm not holding my breath, considering that the producers, etc. felt the need to subtitle the father of the family!  He wasn't speaking a foreign language - just TEXAN.  Well, I guess to them maybe he was.  But please, if you are going to subtitle:  at least get it right!  The word is FIXIN, not FIXING!

We don't like it when people change our words.  We don't take lightly to misuse of them, either.  Use them at your own risk, but be prepared for an "attitude adjustment" if you get it wrong.  One thing you do NOT want to do is get a TEXAN riled.   :)

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