Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Frasier Tales

And other horror stories.

OK, it's not a horror story.  But I am exhausted!  I decided to sleep on the couch last night, since Frasier was antsy and the incision had a slight amount of blood on it earlier in the day (I think I mentioned that already.)  He wasn't too bad at first, there was a little snuggling with mom but the dog eventually curled up on the floor by the couch and went to sleep.  I didn't sleep to soundly, but part of that was because the beagle was snoring!  Like a freight train.  Frasier made a little noise himself, though.  I got up to go to the bathroom around 3:00 and that was the end of the night, as far as Frasier was concerned.  He was ready to a) play, b) have breakfast, c) play.  I managed to get back to the couch and after I pushed his head (and cone) off of me 3 or 4 times, he decided to curl up and I thought maybe I could get back to sleep.

Which might have actually happened, if we hadn't had a thunderstorm.  The lightning was just enough to keep waking me up, and I am pretty sure that Fraiser was watching and waiting for me to wake up again.  By the time I finally got him settled and convinced that he did not need to play with me, it was nearly 5:00 and that's about when I normally get up.

I came home at lunch to check on him, Otter is taking the afternoon shift with the dog so she was home all afternoon and could watch him.  While I was home, we noticed that the incision had been bleeding again.  Not gushing, more like a stitch might be tearing slightly or possibly he could have bumped it.  It's on the front of his leg, so it may get bumped a lot.  We cleaned it up, then I decided to call the vet to see if there was something we were supposed to do at this point.  He said to just keep cleaning it off and watch for redness, gushing or anything that makes us think it's infected.  (We don't think it is).  At this point, Frasier will not go back to the vet until Monday to get the stitches removed.  I'm hoping that we can take the cone off of him at that point, but I'm not holding my breath about it.  Dog is determined and he is smart.  That can be a very interesting combination!

I'm sleeping in my own bed tonight.  If Frasier barks, I'll tell him to shut up.  If he knocks the dog block down, I might just get up and close off some of the doors so that they don't get the run of the house.

I have another tale.  This one involves one of these (but much, much larger):

I was calling it a bullfrog, but I think it was technically a toad.  Either way, we have one of them living on the deck.  It probably lives under the deck and in the morning glories, because we've heard it before and seen it a few times.  Or maybe we saw a different one, this was was huge.  Probably one of the biggest toads I've seen in years.  Last night, nearly 10:00, I went out to get the sun tea that I'd nearly forgotten.  As I was stepping out the door, my foot came into contact with something - as soon as I felt it, I raised my foot so it wasn't squashed.  When I first felt it, my first thought was "Good Lord, what did I just step on because that is not fur!"  I was thinking snake, and a big one at that.  I'm not afraid of snakes, but I have a very healthy respect for them - especially certain ones that rattle!  I got back quickly, in case it was a snake, and saw this huge toad and I swear it was giving me a dirty look!  Then, I had to catch it because it kept trying to hop in the door.  Guess he thought he was invited in for the night.  I relocated him to the grassy area just off the deck and he probably had quite a night, as many grasshoppers as we've seen lately.  We hope he stays around, just not where I'm trying to walk.

Froggy, I thought of you!


Anonymous said...

did the toad lick your foot? Glad you have him and he is healthy froggy

Otter Mom said...

No, the frog didn't lick my foot. So far, you are the only ones that's had that particular honor. Frogs tend to do other things to me, usually involving bodily fluids!